The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The UK to me look to just have had a slower build up to restrictions on our freedoms than the rest of the countries post Italy. They seem to be trying to achieve a similar thing in all honesty.

Who’s freedoms?

I don’t get what you’re trying to say. I’m tired.

I’ll respond tomorrow

A vaccine will be long after this has peaked for this season, and maybe much longer. Vaccines for coronaviruses are notoriously difficult, we have no vaccine for the common cold and no vaccine for SARS which was in 2003. Hopefully there will be a huge global effort to develop one though.

  1. The British response so far is basically just “do nothing”. They haven’t properly instructed old people to “cocoon”, which is supposed to be central to their plan.

  2. The British are basically making a unilateral decision to fuck everyone else’s strategy. Especially ours.

  3. The WHO said that every country has a responsibility to slow the spread of the virus.

  4. In practice, without a vaccine, Ireland will end up getting herd immunity but at least we will hopefully stagger the infections somewhat, hopefully to a more manageable rate. Everyone is talking like the Brits have some master plan of how they are going to control the number of infections but we don’t know what they are going to do and the margin for error is so small. These methods of controlling infection rate have never been tested anywhere.

  5. How are they going to perfectly control their infection rate when they’ve basically just stopped testing.

  6. They’re talking about protecting their economy, but what is their financial service economy going to be like with nearly very other first world country in the world on lockdown.

  7. They’re talking about making decisions to control the rate of infection but private organisations (sports, businesses, cultural institutions and venues) are all just making their own decisions.

  8. The British public haven’t a clue what’s going on or what they’re supposed to be doing. And supposedly these instructions to the public will keep changing to manage the infection rate. The public won’t have a notion.


My sister lives in Milan
She posted this

it’s very scary at the minute.
Everybody’s Ill. They have stopped doing swabs for mild cases as far as I know. It’s pandemonium, So believe me the contagion is a lot higher. children are kept busy with smart schooling and parents are struggling to keep everything together. All we hear is the sound of ambulances day and night. It’s like living a very bad dream. We must sign a permission form to leave our homes to do some grocery shopping or take the dog out. You can only travel in 2 by car, the driver and 1 back seat passenger. 1 person per family is allowed to grocery shop at any one time.


I don’t agree at all with the British approach to this, what Ireland are doing is on balance the correct approach in trying to slow it down early (even if the pubs are full).

The whole thing seems to be predicated on fantastical notions taken from libertarian economics which don’t exist in the real world.

Perfect information among all “consumers”, perfectly rational, self interested decision making of “consumers”.

Have they got detailed statistics and behvioural models on every over 60 year old in the UK and their ability and/or willingness to “cocoon”?

Like fuck they have.

And they have half the ICU beds of Italy, who can’t deal with or control what’s going on.

They’ve already done a u-turn on cancelling events tonight.

Brexit is influencing a lot of this. I suspect that crackpot Dominic Cummings is influencing it more than anybody.

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Anyone I know who suffers from that condition is able to spell it funnily enough


Went to a new gym today cos my normal one is closed. Wiped down every single thing I touched with disinfectant so I really hope it stays open as I’ll go spare at home with no gym and one girlfriend.

Had three glasses of whiskey and a sleeping tablet but still can’t doze off and I’m due in work at 5am again. Not sure I can face any more retarded questions/worries from staff and passengers. “Will the airport close?” “What’ll the government do of it closes?” “When will the flights start again?”

The missus has come home now, sauced, and decides this is the perfect time to launch into a tirade of abuse against me cos I bought the wrong brand of kitchen towel during the week. Or something equally unforgivable.

Give me strength.



Hell of a time for TFK’s no1 guy on the frontline of the Corona battle to go off the rails on whiskey and sedatives

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I’m here in work at 5.22 am while other lads are sniping on the internet.

I am gonna go on a run to Asda to stock up for whiskey for my inevitable mental breakdown during the upcoming LOCKDOWN period


29 people on the Mineapolis flight this morning, and a combinied 79 on the next two flights from Boston. Hard to believe this airport can stay open much longer, from a business standpoint let alone virus-halting ones


Not really good or bad, because noone actually has any idea how many new cases there are.
My honest impression is that it is actually, fortunately, not too nasty unless you are already ill, already dying, or very unlucky. That’s the good news.
The problem really arises if or when a properly nasty strain emerges.

And dancing at the crossroads.

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The new cases in China have dropped off massively, and they are also now coming down in Korea (South Korea, the North has managed this exceptionally well).

Going on the numbers alone, Europe may be lagging behind them by a few weeks, but the amount of people moving around has declined drastically in the past few week.

I’m going to tentatively, but optimistically predict that, while we are in for a rough 2-3 weeks, and a slightly quiet few months thereafter, we will get through this reasonably soon. A concerted effort to keep the ones at risk safe, no reckless behaviour and leaving the professionals do their job and we will all be grand.

We can hopefully then resume the normal, bitter, point scoring in July.


Don’t stand up for those traitors

I don’t suffer from it a such on a day to day basis. I was in hospital for 6 months before they figured out what was wrong when I was 11 but since then I’ve largely been completely unaffected bar avoiding an extremely high fibre diet. I used to have to get cameras up the arse every six months or so but that’s stopped in the past few years.

More lies

The stay at home mom brigade really are sharing any old shite to do with Covid19 on Facebook.

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