The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Looking at the Gold Cup presentation yesterday, that elderly woman receiving the Cup leaving herself wide open really.
If she picked it up last week while over watching that racing she’s fucked next week.

Bad enough having to bury a loved one but not being able to wake them or give them a proper Irish send off is going to widen a lot of eyes & focus some minds I can tell ye.




You couldn’t focus the minds of those horsey wankers


The Daily Mail are absolute scum. A load of people will only read the headline of that and be going around terrifying pregnant women that a new born baby died

Really this is all Liverpool’s fault

Today is going to be very testing for a lot of us, myself included. Not a scrap of sport. I’ll have to dig out the 73 final


Some lads here have an unhealthy relationship and dependency on watching sport on tv. It’ll be grand lads. There’s streaming channels by the dozen, High speed broadband to download stuff. There’s a world of movies and box sets waiting for you.

Or you could go for a walk.

Stay strong lads.

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Driving Instructors have been told to postpone lessons until the 29th.

I’ve never baked anything before. Might give it a twist today.

People need to stand together. I’m predicting huge social issues. On a serious note I don’t think the flu is actually too bad and things could pick up quickly in a months time but I’ve a feeling we will see the worse sides of people and that’ll make things much worse.

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That’s the spirit :+1:

The National league goes ahead in England. My beloved FC Halifax taking on the Ebbsfleet United Scum


I’d say it’s well worth a watch. Finest Cork football team in my lifetime. And I was at the match too. Jimmy Barry Murphy kicked a lovely point back over his head. That was in his bootboy phase. And this lovely goal.


Blatant dive there from Denis Allen. He should be ashamed of himself.

And from the ref

More bad news from China :


​ if I hear any more I’ll let you all know.


I’d stay out of that new kitchen Mike, if I was you.

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There is a savage amount of lads here who think with the right side of their brains. They’ll find this difficult… You can see them struggling already. I’d really fear for a few of them, they’ll be lobotomy candidates come May day.

Then there are those lucky enough to be able to engage both sides of the brain, we’ll take a few days to adjust but we’re thriving now. We’re beginning to see alot of the stuff that we’d forgotten about due to busy schedules and right brain thinking. We’ll change for the better.