The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I heard a rumour there that DUB will be closed from Tuesday on. Obviously nothing official but, I discussed it with our head man here over a cappuccino and a protein bar and he too reckons closure is IMMINENT


Make sure you buy the right kitchen towel if that’s the case

For real?

No pretend

you gowl

The US has about 924,100 hospital beds (2.8 per 1000 people). California has only 1.8. Countries like Germany have 8. South Korea has 12.

What’s Ireland’s number?

Anyone know?

Nearly 3

Wouldn’t some people have to be immune first?

Looks like the brits have finally realised what’s going on

Yes. Acquiring Immunity is a result of the first stage or a vaccine.

Do we know if any are immune yet?

Are they changing tact?

Loaded in reverse. Read from bottom tile up

Yup. Getting a lot closer to what’s going on here. Banning mass gatherings from next week. Encouraging people to ring in with symptoms.
Can’t help but feel though that they’ve been shamed into it by the cancellation of sporting events

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Didnt stop them pottering around Newcastlewest this morning.

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That’s it exactly. Boris wanted to see what the public reaction would be to his press conference on Thursday.

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Are schools still open in Britain?

No it’s the weekend

