The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Julio, can we all agree to isolate @anon26343222 and ignore the stupid racist prick please? We’ll.all feel better.

Bit of a doomsday post but been chatting to a good mate of mine who is a GP this morning. Runs his own practice in the South East. They had patients displaying symptoms who have been in Italy or other areas who they’ve requested tests for and they’ve basically been ignored. Every 3rd odd request gets dealt with and similar happening across many surgeries.

Maybe this was already posted but basically the numbers we have are seriously masked with the true number being a multiple of whats published. Expanding the test criteria also won’t change a whole lot as we’re currently at capacity with what we can test

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They couldn’t because they had patient zero. It was a pandemic before they could control or attempt to control anything. They went immediately into containment and have slowed it down.

Everyone else has had a lead in from China and its remarkable the differences in response.

Usually in logic or science based approaches, responses would be identical or polar opposites, what we are seeing is human and economic decisions controlling responses from nations.

Ultimately, at some stage, borders will close and you will need some form of lockdown. Places like Taiwan and Israel have taken extreme measures to stop it getting in hoping to avoid internal measures. Other nations are relaxed on letting it in and introducing internal measures.

Theres no consensus

Of course. Poland has 81 cases in a population of 38 million. Half of Warsaw down in Italy skiing a few weeks ago. People who are sick are just staying at home.

Id say most people knew that.

That is a sad state of affairs alright but the key point in that post is that hopefully the GP made it very clear to those people to isolate immediately.

Anyone who has a sniffle or cough right now and is still out & about as if nothing is happening deserves a coffin for a bed.

That is the key for me, if in doubt self isolate and get better. It’s very easy to piss & moan about the Health service and the plans in place being poor but no Country was prepared for this. That is the truth of all this.

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The Brits referencing back to the Spanish Flu and 100 years ago… when are they going to stop harping back when they were seen as a world power and get real here in the present day.

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Fair. Impossible to read through this entire thread so no idea what is speculation vs fact

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Does crohn’s not affect your immune system? If so you’re more at risk than most.

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The doctors are genuinely worried. They sense the tidal wave coming and they’re the ones standing in front of it.

Thanks mate. I’m well aware that none of the front bench give a flying fuck about any individuals outside their own social groups, and even then not much. Cummings meanwhile is in his bedroom at his mum’s house wondering how he can twist it to his advantage.
I’m just following the path of the beam.


Breaking: Dublin Airport to close from tomorrow for a period of 3 weeks. Bringing chaos to commuters.

Drive through testing facility opened in cork the other day. I think the defence forces will also start testing early next week

I see the chinese have sent a load of docs and equipment to italy to help them out.

Aaaaaaawwwwwwwri’ Mani?

Only right considering they also sent them the virus

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I think everyone is worried in some way.

The doctors and front line staff are in for one hell of a fight. Let’s hope they are the best of us

I wouldn’t be surprised if we had well over a 1,000 cases to be honest.

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Fucking hell lads. Will I ever see Ireland again?