The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

This is what everyone needs to listen to.

Send him the 2019 dvd.

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In the spirit of bonhomie I’m going to let the obvious joke go here and wish you all the best old friend.


I saw an interview with Harris from a couple of days ago where he stressed the importance of following staged medical advice.

If we go into lockdown too soon then we won’t have anything left in our locker to fight it should the virus continue to spread aggressively, which is entirely possible of course. Detailed knowledge of the virus and corresponding factors are required in order to dictate what should be done.

It would have been a tap in tbf

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I’m genuinely fucking worried about that. We were planning a trip home towards the end kf the year.
I couldn’t give a shit what hapens in Australia, I’m more worried about Ireland. I was really looking forward to slaying the Galway fuckers this evening as well.

A poacher feeds on tap ins.

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Ok, half see Ireland again.


Ah we’ll be grand. A bit of personal responsibility is no bad thing for society. We’ll beat this.

Julio , ? His name is sean , you dont know him , his in his 40s he likes to wank and tell jokes on the internet, ‘we’ ? Telpis you’re one of those lads with no real friends ! Isolate away pal. Dope

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This is where science is dangerous. The data is too uncontrolled. Science can be arrogant. People think their view of the numbers are the only view of the numbers that are correct. But we are too early in and there is chaos in the data.

In my view, and it’s only my view, the logical approach was to shut down everything at the earliest given opportunity and give the scientists and medical people the chance to understand the data and the virus a little more.

Any other approach is to allow unquantified and uncontrolled risk to spread, thus furthering chaos in the data and taking medical teams away from studying the virus and focused on fighting on the front lines.

We are massively dependent on the Chinese science and medical communities now to understand the numbers and the virus. I hope if they make breakthroughs that other science communities and governments aren’t too proud to trust them


UK are totally reliant on the idea that the infection rate is 2.5. Have they totally discounted the Korean superspreader?

Its 2.5 approx within a controlled, contained or delayed community. They’ve done nothing


Science can be arrogant? What the fuck does that mean? Science is truth. People who don’t accept it are arrogant.

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Scientists I presume

It hasn’t ever affected me since I was diagnosed but I was very sick that time. Dr skelly in the regional took me off the meds a few years ago as I worried about their effects.


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Dublin airport to close for 3 weeks

Pity it wasn’t yesterday