The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Link please

Where did you see this?

Someone sent me a link and it was a link to a black mans cock


There’s a link going around with that headline but then, when you click into it, it actually is just a photo of a well endowned black lad.

I know you’re close to it but closing the airport will be one of the last steps they would take. Whilst airlines will still fly there and given the need for goods, they should stay open.

There are people abroad for a variety of reasons (not just the horsey crowd), they should not be left stranded.

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We had a top CEO meeting on Thursday. Half way through it a guy at the top of the table announces “They’re closing the London underground!”. The whole meeting goes deadly silent, everyone turns to stare at him. He taps the phone again. Then he bursts out laughing and blushes. “Sorry, no…”


Looks like Cheltenham has had a huge influence on how this was tackled.

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His name is Barry.

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Friend of yours?

His girth has been swinging about social media for a while, bro.

Only reporting on what I’ve heard here. There’s a ton of misinformation going around so everything needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Especially @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s article featuring the black cock, which I suspect is not genuine (the article, not the cock).

Goods can land here without the “public side” of the airport being open. Many cargo planes enter and exit through a seperate area well away from either terminal so i’d expect that continue regardless. There are security checkpoints for service vehicles and such dotted around the airport anyway.

Repatriating stranded Irish people is a trickier issue but, again, could probably be arranged with exit checks on the other side, or routed through Shannon which is probably more suitable for operations like that anyway.

Personally I think the Government are slowly edging towards a complete ban on all travel for a few weeks. Each passing day their advice gets closer and closer to that. It’d make for a rough 2-3 weeks (not sure if I’d still be required here or not) and could put an awful lot of people out of work but I think it would make a massive impact in getting this under control.

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I just literally took a call from a Polish diplomat (I mingle in such circles) saying that all air movements except charters into Poland will be banned within three days and could I rent him a charter. I currently can not

Used to know a girl who suffered badly for years with it and finally had an op of some sort which seemed to “cure” it.
With a quick google it may be the other way round - problems with immune system may cause crohn’s.

Which Barney curley is in self isolation? Their is 4 of them with the log in.

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Danny Duberstein famously has Crohn’s disease. Affected his taste buds and multiplication skills

You low on ammo bud?

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People who say science is truth are scientifically illiterate. Science is about building models and developing theories. Put simply we don’t know that the truth is, but we are getting better at building models.

The problem with the current debate is every lad with a bit of mathematical programming background is suddenly an expert on pandemics and telling the actual experts on pandemics that they are wrong. Case in point the argument over flattening the curve. Everything being done in every country is about flattening the curve, different approaches, we don’t know yet how successful the efforts will be. We will know how successful China has been when they relax their mitigation efforts.


Covid is uniting the island of Ireland.