The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The Brits referencing back to the Spanish Flu and 100 years ago… when are they going to stop harping back when they were seen as a world power and get real here in the present day.

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Fair. Impossible to read through this entire thread so no idea what is speculation vs fact

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Does crohn’s not affect your immune system? If so you’re more at risk than most.

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The doctors are genuinely worried. They sense the tidal wave coming and they’re the ones standing in front of it.

Thanks mate. I’m well aware that none of the front bench give a flying fuck about any individuals outside their own social groups, and even then not much. Cummings meanwhile is in his bedroom at his mum’s house wondering how he can twist it to his advantage.
I’m just following the path of the beam.


Breaking: Dublin Airport to close from tomorrow for a period of 3 weeks. Bringing chaos to commuters.

Drive through testing facility opened in cork the other day. I think the defence forces will also start testing early next week

I see the chinese have sent a load of docs and equipment to italy to help them out.

Aaaaaaawwwwwwwri’ Mani?

Only right considering they also sent them the virus

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I think everyone is worried in some way.

The doctors and front line staff are in for one hell of a fight. Let’s hope they are the best of us

I wouldn’t be surprised if we had well over a 1,000 cases to be honest.

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Fucking hell lads. Will I ever see Ireland again?

This is what everyone needs to listen to.

Send him the 2019 dvd.

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In the spirit of bonhomie I’m going to let the obvious joke go here and wish you all the best old friend.


I saw an interview with Harris from a couple of days ago where he stressed the importance of following staged medical advice.

If we go into lockdown too soon then we won’t have anything left in our locker to fight it should the virus continue to spread aggressively, which is entirely possible of course. Detailed knowledge of the virus and corresponding factors are required in order to dictate what should be done.

It would have been a tap in tbf

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I’m genuinely fucking worried about that. We were planning a trip home towards the end kf the year.
I couldn’t give a shit what hapens in Australia, I’m more worried about Ireland. I was really looking forward to slaying the Galway fuckers this evening as well.