The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Utter horse-shit. Each business, like each individual, can only take responsibility for their own actions. Whining about the gov not forcing them to shut is pitiful. Itā€™s a parallel argument to the Cheltenham punters ā€œthe gov didnā€™t tell me I couldnā€™t so how was I supposed to exercise personal responsibilityā€¦ā€

Do the right thing and itā€™ll expose the choices of others.

That aside, I agree gov will need to find meaningful support mechanisms for businesses and workers.


They all will have it after tipping each other misses


So businessā€™s should voluntarily fold with zero safeguards in place for their staff? Are you a civil servant or something, cop on to yourself

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Will we have figures released at 6 or are the lads off for the weekend?


I disagree. Its a clear lack of leadership when it is needed most.


Press conference in the next few mins

Heard there is a briefing of substantial changes at 5.45 in advance

Late as usual. Ffs.

I am hoping that the decision has already been made and they are just sorting out the details, granted thats a lot of sorting out. The word is that they were to put the country into lockdown on Wednesday but that has been brought forward now to Monday. Either way itā€™s the indecision that is stoking public rancour right now, not good

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The guards do, not sure Gatsoā€™s do

How far off are we from fuel/power rationing?

The amount of people out walking is unreal. The lockdown will have the country fit as flees.

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39 new cases.

A second person has died from COVID-19

Does 39 not seem a little?

A little what?

New cases.

Dr Tony comes across as very measured and reassuring
Iā€™ve full confidence in the Doc


Self regulation does not work. Libertarianism has never worked. Itā€™s up to government to govern in a crisis.

No coincidence that weā€™ve had more confirmations jyst as testing has increased.