The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There are at least 5000 cases in Ireland ffs. 163 is the number of positive tests returned


Exactly, more tests will just return more positive results.

Brian o donaghue is some fucking idiot .

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If you close your business off your own bat you will have no basis for a claim for loss of earnings. If the HSE/government call out a closure as a requirement insurance kicks in.

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Princess has had to do it as she works too close to peopleā€¦ Iā€™ll be starting a go fund me later.

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Places that donā€™t pay rent are self closing, where daddy gave them the pub, a lot easier for them to play the virtue signalling card then places that do pay rent

Id say Benny McCabe pays a lot of rent. Big move him closing. Decision will be made for all publicans by Monday

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The Midlands will Abide :muscle:


That struck me too. I didnā€™t post it on twitter. Loads of people clogging up the hospital system unnecessarily.

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Fair enough, some landlords will accomodate with the greater good in mind. Many, too many, wonā€™t and you can be sure their rodent solicitors are telling them not to, unless otherwise forced into by the government


How many of the new cases relate to Cheltenham ?

I work in a small private company which will definitely be hit by this.

Read my post again. I agree gov should offer supports. Thatā€™s separate to some publican justifying having his place open and rammed because ā€œthe others down the road are doing the same and sure the gov havenā€™t told me to closeā€.

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As in you want the gov to direct all pubs and restaurants to close because they, and their customers, canā€™t exercise some degree of responsibility?

These balcony raves over in Italy look like great craic.

To be clear - there may be a strong case for pubs to be closed because a cohort of the population are taking the piss.

I donā€™t think itā€™s valid that a publican, who has it in their control to close a pub immediately, can make that case and be taken seriously.

Good man. Please explain your enlightened approach to all landlords

Friend of the forum Bartosz Bereszynski has tested positive cc @Bandage


Some of the landlords seem to be getting it as can be seen by the increased wave of announcements of closures.

Youā€™ll figure it out eventually I suppose.