The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Youā€™re that cunt @chocolatemiceā€¦Ah here. Does the forum know thisā€¦


Our boys will be doing the same by the end of next week

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Iā€™m Tom Brady.

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Never been so proud to be Italian

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I donā€™t really get how one would need 15 mins with an infected person to catch it. Surely thatā€™s nonsense. Once the bacteria gets in, itā€™s in. Can the doctors on here please clarify?

Once itā€™s in, itā€™s in. Not sure how someone can put a time on it. Shur, you can get it touching an infected surface.

Will the world just go back to normal when this is over? Or will it have lasting effects?

Why didnā€™t the fucking eejit record it in landscape

Iā€™ve the timer handy at work and I have even cut people off mid sentence once I get past 14 mins. Itā€™s rude but I am starting to think it might be necessary

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First case in Nov, they only tell the world about in Jan and then let 5m people leave to spread it around the world but the media are losing their minds at the US response. You couldnā€™t make it up etc etc


This is not the first time this horrible narrative has been referenced on here (a similar tweet by the columnist Paddy Murray was referenced yesterday) and itā€™s really worrying that people are using it. Itā€™s downward class warfare and a wholly opportunistic and completely bogus attack on public heathcare.

People are staying out of emergency departments because itā€™s of a combination of them being conscientious and them being petrified.

If people were continuing to present at hospitals in the same numbers as before, theyā€™d be vilified for not staying out. Now that they are staying out, itā€™s used as bogus ā€œproofā€ that emergency departments are being ā€œabusedā€.

The people who are staying out of emergency departments who would otherwise be presenting are likely doing so at the risk to their own health. And people will have to continue to have to do that throughout this crisis because it has to be all hands on deck throughout the population.

The narrative here from certain posters who have a transparent motive to defend certain politicians, including politicians who are objectively handing this crisis terribly - is that those who quite rightly criticise those politicians are ā€œpoliticisingā€ things. Thatā€™s a transparently bogus narrative.

And the narrative contained in the above tweet is one of the most breathtakingly cynical, manipulative and downright disgraceful narratives Iā€™ve ever seen. Real ā€œpoliticisationā€ for exceptionally devious, cynical and dumb popuilst purposes.

Anybody who runs with such a narrative should be ashamed of themselves.

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This is not the time for questioning authorities like PBH. Tell TDB to fuck off home with himself

Itā€™s the people who went to Cheltenham fault.

Itā€™s utterly obvious that containment efforts in the West are now a complete failure and mitigation and selective lockdowns are the only hope for this outbreak. Lads still talking about China and neighboring countries containing it, as if the West was a similar culture with populations used to and accepting total control, and more importantly governments aware of and prepared for epidemics as they expect one to be unleashed at a momentā€™s notice, and have had plenty for practice.

The West simply has no experience of fighting serious pandemics, other than limiting the numbers that die. Outside of a yearly vaccine which may or may not work, we donā€™t even try and contain the seasonal flu, and hundreds of thousands die every year from it. Are they being sacrificed to achieve herd immunity? Collateral damage until a vaccine is developed? We just accept it as part of the life cycle?

So what can be done for future pandemics, as this one could well become seasonal. This is spreading exactly like the flu, and yet you have people thinking we can stop it, even though we canā€™t stop the flu. Then they say stop it the way Ebola was stopped in 2014. Ebola disables and kills people so quickly thereā€™s no literally no time to infect anyone else. The same reason SARS and MERS could be stopped, the virus was too efficient at killing people.

What should be done is find a way to isolate and protect the vulnerable, or at least as many as possible, the old and sick, immune compromised, etc. Maybe some form of protective gear like the medics wear, and completely isolate the most vulnerable. The quicker the young and healthy get it and get over it the better. If you are serious about saving the vulnerable you need to find a way to protect them for a few weeks and may as well give a spoon of the virus to everyone else, or give them plenty coke and sent them partying. Until you have a vaccine, if we ever have a vaccine.

What we are doing now is unfolding as insanity and will result in hospitals getting overwhelmed, critical health care workers sick and out of action or dead from the amount of virus they encounter, and lots of vulnerable dead people anyway. Plus total destruction of the economy with the poor and low income feeling it worst.

I know this sounds like a defense of the tan plan, it isnā€™t as they clearly have no plan to protect the vulnerable. Given how this is decimating the global economy it needs a new Marshall plan to protect vulnerable people from these pandemics that are inevitable.

Weā€™ve been playing Russian roulette and the gun may just have gone off.


It could be seasonal, every year from now on, with the possibility of mutation to something more virulent.