The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Hopefully lasting effects. The world will be better positioned to tackle the next global pandemic you would hope. Just imagine it was children and not the elderly who were dying there would be riots and looting on a daily basis

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It’s a virus not a bacteria, and yes once you get some in your mouth, nose or eyes, you have it.

And have a poor immune system trying to fight the new virus?

I would like to think that everybody here now agrees that people need to stay out of pubs, especially crowded pubs.

This is an extremely serious public health issue that affects everybody. We have a pandemic, ffs sake, and every time people go into a crowded pub that virus is being spread and the toll on our health services is going to be greater.

But unless there are rules which are made clear by the government, people will take advantage, people will take the piss, because, well, some humans are just like that. If they can get away with doing stupid things they will.

This is not like saying that people shouldn’t smoke or binge drink but we the government can’t make that decision for people.

Drink driving is banned because it’s a danger to public safety. We don’t say “it’s your personal and moral responsibility to not drink drive but we’ll leave the final decision as to whether you want to drink drive or not to you.” We ban it.

This is a pandemic, it could scarcely be more serious, and the government has to lead and issue firm instructions. And do it now.


Who do you think is dong a better job containing the virus and taking the issue seriously? China, who are containing it, or the US, whose president thinks its a hoax?

Provide your reasoning.

And provide your reasoning why pretty every public health expert of note thinks China is doing a far better job than the US.

You won’t of course, because you’re a chicken shit.

This is hilarious. In this post you say that containment efforts in the west (hint, the US is the west) have been a failure and admit that China is containing it.

Yet in other posts your narrative is the direct opposite, that the the US is doing a good job containing it :smile: and China a terrible job.

Christ, you’re all over the shop.

Professor John Ashton ripped into Boris Johnson and his advisors both political and scientific on C4 News this evening. Called for them all to resign now.

So what’s happening here

France 3640 cases 79 deaths
Germany 3062 cases 6 deaths
Denmark 801 cases 0 deaths
Sweden 775 cases 0 deaths
Norway 750 cases 1 death
Austria 504 cases 1 death

A history of smoking. Northern Europeans don’t have it. This is a disease that aggressively attacks the lungs, if your lungs are in any way compromised you are very vulnerable to serious illness.


Tbf, drink-driving was always banned but it didn’t have anything like the social stigma it has nowadays. Whether you can inculcate a stigma about going to the pub into a population quick enough to make a difference now is probably a moot point.

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Germanic languages offer some protection from the virus.


Virus has mutated and is not as dangerous as first thought?

Death rate in China for after January was under one per cent

You can with a lot of people but not with plenty of others. Not everybody follows the news, some others are just pig headed and don’t care. That’s why the government has to make the decision.

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It appears so.

Anyone who’s been inside the door of an emergency department recently knows a good portion of people present have no business there, and many knowingly

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Germany has a lot more ICU beds than France.

Spain on partial lockdown.

Are the Northern Europeans better at this than the southern ones?