The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Good luck.

Thanks dude same to
You and yours. Her-selves dad is a Galway Man

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The pubs are gone boys

Schedule at DUB is all over the shop today. Serious feel of an endgame about it.

Australia have mirrored New Zealandā€™s immigration restrictions. 14 days self isolation for anyone coming into the country and banning cruise ships from docking.

Schools and universities remain open at this point.

Iā€™m not sure how self isolation can be enforced so this seems like a recommendation rather than a restriction.

Cruise ships need to be sunk.

My daughter went through there today and said it was an absolute shit show. Mostly at pre clearance though, took over two hours and flights delayed 3+ hours. Sounds like the yanks havenā€™t got clear instructions even on what to do with returning yanks.

Yeah the queues at CBP were horrendous yesterday. Delayed a heap of outbound flights and then a heap of inbound flights as the stands were full. Dubai fight was on the tarmac for about 2 hours before its stand freed up. Must have been a touch scary for those onboard

Itā€™s like the last flight from Saigon. I can only imagine what Monday will be like before the deadline to the US hits. Nobody wants to travel but thereā€™s plenty yanks left in Europe that want to get out.

Itā€™s no surprise given youā€™re a born liar


Donā€™t take this the wrong way but I usually just scroll by your posts and Sids. Although I do look at your ravenous ones!

  1. Howā€™s all with your gang?

  2. What is the view of the US people now to Corona Virus?


1: the situation?
2: the government reaction to the situation?

It is not for anyone in a box room in Ireland to give their view on Trump.


US CBP queue backing up into the departures right now

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Trump is class

Fuck off! Any random answer opens up the possibility of mad answers resulting in tweets to Journalists and Senatorsā€¦

Lads were you all hammered last night? Some amount of scutter talked, even for here


giphy (48)

A mixture of booze, claustrophobia and virus symptoms took itā€™s toll last night.


Thanks for asking mate.

We are in good form, my young lass just arrived back from Europe a few hours ago so thatā€™s the big worry over. Sheā€™s a nurse which helps at a time like this. Just bunker down now and get through it.

Iā€™m on the west coast which has most of the larger clusters except for NY. No panic as yet really, fairly dramatic reduction in traffic, people working from home, home food deliveries, but a lot of that was in place already.

Americans by and large like their space and are not too touchy feely, so itā€™s easy for them to maintain distance. Itā€™s also pretty clean here and not much communal eating. Anyone sick is definitely self isolating.

Iā€™m not too worried. I think there will be a surge in cases but it will be managed. Mitigation efforts are being planned by situation, one local case and schools get shut down, same with businesses. Not sure thereā€™s an optimum way to respond but I have faith in the CDC they are IMO the best in the business.


There was a one eyed Aussie lad telling us to start planting tomatoes to keep sane??? He certainly hasnā€™t been keeping that eye on the weather here.

Weā€™ll be planting in paddy fields alright but the Paddy fields with rice not Petland Dells.

As for the government reaction, very slow at first except for the ban on travel from China. Itā€™s ramped up now and the states are very engaged. They will throw whatever money is needed to respond to it, and the Fed have the printing presses rolling.

The country is quite spread out, there will be hot spots that get out of control and need dramatic action, but overall I think we will get through this OK.