The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Stick up a polythene tunnel and you can grow all the tomatoes and peppers you want.

@anon78624367 went full Dougal Maguire


No can do, busy in work for the man!!!

The last two weeks Iā€™ve left the house every morning at 6.30am and got home about 9/9.15. Iā€™ve watched the RTE news on +1.

Iā€™m getting fuck all news, I havenā€™t time to fart never mind building polythene houses to grow tomatoes.

If Dermot Desmonds wife fucks me up Iā€™ll start supporting Rangers!!

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You could buy the materials and build a tunnel in a Saturday afternoon. Make a wooden frame out of 2x1, 4ft by 6ft or 8ft, 6 ft high. Cover it with polythene and staple it down. Buy 4 bags each of compost and top soil and mix them, go to the plant nursery and buy plants and stick them in the bags. All they need thereafter is water and a bit of added fertilizer.

You will be blown away by the results.

As will the tunnell


Maybe wait until late April to put it up, so lots of time left to build it. Tomatoes will grow to ripe fruit in 4-6 weeks in a tunnel.

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Anyone not using this crisis to have a pop off political opponents is being seriously negligent

Lads Iā€™ve shifts applied for on OT next week. Originally to help out with with the expected St Patrickā€™s day madness.

However Iā€™ve been offered to cancel them. Am I better, while Iā€™m still fit and healthy, coming in and helping out in anyway I can, or staying at home out of the way?

Please factor the fact and me and the missus are not talking before answering.

Come in. Shake hands and hug every Italian you can find. Then go home and ride her silly

Stay at home.

I donā€™t see the point in being a hero. Stay at home.

Work ā€˜til you drop.

Iā€™m already a hero.


Do you need the cash?

You were a hero today pal.
Fantastic job getting those transatlantic flights off the ground.

But if the airport is closed youā€™ll have nothing to do anyway

No. Iā€™d honestly do it for free. Iā€™d really like to help out in some way.

That could change by later in the day when the flood of retarded hypothetical questions from my staff has taken its toll. Iā€™ll pick up a few crates on the way home just to be safe

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Do you get lonely out there on your own knowing that you are on the mark while every other person is out of step?

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You need to choose between listening to the staff or interacting with her indoors

At least have a good long think about who your favourite bull is before you go back in, before itā€™s too late.