The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You started off around here being the stock market expert.

I know the difference between a vinca major and a vinca minor! I know a rhododendron and an Azalea need lime free compost and when planting then you could throw a bit of bone meal down to get them going. I also know an apple tree wonā€™t bear fruit without a partner.

If I wanted to cover a wall Iā€™d use a Russian Vine aka the mile a minute, if it was in a nice bright area, not direct sunlight, Iā€™d plant a Acer Negundo Flamingo Varigata Japonica. A Beautiful flower.

I spent many years at that game, constantly cold, before chancing the Accountancy exams, easily done, before deserting that shite after qualifying when I realised it was more boring that making up window boxes and planting crenatums.

Iā€™ve serious respect for @TreatyStones planting a bit of stuff and baking brown bread.
God knows where he gets the time or patience.

Iā€™m pressuring the Father in Law to chop up an Aberdeen Angus but Iā€™m getting no where, theyā€™re like family pets to him at this stage.

Iā€™m out the door in work, Iā€™m doing 12 hours and commuting nearly two, my ying yang is all over the place. I could do with a session with @kev.

These two weeks couldnā€™t have come at a better time. Two weeks with no meetings and desk bound. Superb.


Some lovely reading here catching up on the ladt 100 posts. Compassion, care, admirationā€¦it was all in thereā€¦ Iā€™ll come back to it next week when lads are going out of their minds from the lock down and are ripping each other to shreds.

Iā€™m happy that @anon7035031 got his daughter home safe and sound. It wouldnā€™t have been fair abusing him when his mind wasnā€™t fully in the game. Well done @Batigol.

@anon78624367, have a few drinks palā€¦plenty fresh air during the day.

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I like Esteban but heā€™s only a day or two away from saving his nail clippings and drinking his own urine.


Iā€™m still the stock market expert. Trade SPXU and UPRO based on the weekly MACD black line direction and watch your returns. I gave a buy signal on SPXU on Feb 24 when it was at 20 and it went to 36. Its back to 27 but still a buy. UPRO will be a ridiculous buy around June 15.

Grow a few tomatoes, and a few plants of basil, you will be amazed at the flavor, along with a nice soft Italian cheese a veritable aphrodisiac. Thereā€™s literally no work involved. Water and a few spoons of fertilizer.

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Decisive action

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Containment. They are doing a fantastic job.

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Being home and not the talking sounds like heaven.


Peace and quiet, a smooth pint, and a good book.

How did he manage this ā€¦ I need to know asap.

Did you see the word coming from England - The Telegraph ā€¦

Brilliant. I had that for six weeks wan time.


The Brits have form with genocide of problem populations

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A cull of the elderly ā€¦ fucked up.

This is getting tiresome lads.

My hands are raw from washing them constantly.
My house is a constant wreck from the childers wrecking it.
Iā€™m not sleeping well as the youngest is teething.
Iā€™m rowing with a parent to stay off the grid.

Iā€™ve purchased a stock of herb to try and take the edge off in the evenings but Iā€™m doing my lungs no good with either.

Iā€™ve definitely come to the conclusion that Iā€™ll find it very hard to support some of local vinters who took the piss this wknd. Saw an opportunity to fill their pockets at the expense of their community. At the expense of their elderly clientele.

If we survive this without major needless losses I hope we learn from this. Learn to lose the selfish gene of arrogance that is putting so many vulnerable people at risk.


You need to hear my lecture on the greater good, itā€™s quite compelling.

I think I like that, Iā€™m just too high to be sure.

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We should all set up a trading 212 accounts and invest in fractional shares ---- we all start with 20 bucks and set rules like the most you can invest in a day in 5 bucks or something ā€¦ see who comes out with the most in 90 days.

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Shout then, make us all rich.

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