The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Nothing will bate the doodle yer man from the hse drew on the whiteboard of the straw man coughing and a box around him on the six one.

I half knew then we were fucked


Public discourse has forced the change though. Politicians are usually by nature creatures of inertia who are reluctant to act quickly. In this case acting quickly is essential.

We criticise social media/Twitter often and rightly so.

This is one instance where it can take a lot of credit.

Without that discourse we would be behind where we are now. If that guy hadn’t taken the video of the crowd singing Sweet Caroline in the pub in Temple Bar yesterday, the pubs would probably be still open.

That video made it untenable for pubs to open today. He did a genuine public service by taking that video.

What a hero he is, wonder what he was doing there.


Word gets around about irresponsibility.

The VFI have said nothing, pubs closing are doing it of their own accord

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need a few answers from you on the ok to do in fraught times?

Hi lads, Dr Tim has asked me to post the following:

The head of infectious disease in Cork University hospital has released a statement to doctors. They have 4 young people in serious condition from COVID19. None have underlying conditions. All were taking non/steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. France has issued a similar advisory. Many Bective players take anti-inflammatories for injuries. They are what I mostly prescribe for rugby related injuries. They include difene, neurofen (ibuprofen) and vimovo. There are many others. All players should stop taking these drugs immediately and not take them for the duration of the COVID19 crisis. There is significant evidence that they exacerbate COVID19.
Dr. Tim


That’s me fucked

I’ve been atin ibuprofen lately for my bulging disc…

Supermacs are providing free food for the emergency workers


Dark horse was open earlier in the Well

People criticise them but this is decent.

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Dr Tim Riggins?

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Louise must be a poster on TFK

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Very busy on the velvet strand.

The nitrogen will rot your hole from inside out

Science has failed us here . People looked to science for the answers for a cure . Its let us all down . We’ve seen how fragile we humans really are . Afraid consumed by fear . It’s all the old people walking around outside on the streets . They’re not afraid because they have faith in god . The atheist are in hiding. It’s a sight to behold really.

Switzerland looks to be one to watch here. 842 new cases reported today.

They have the cure in Boots.