The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Have we much private capacity?

The nursing home type offer from Barta is great and we will probably need a heap more beds. Iā€™d assume staffing will be a bigger issue than actual beds?

Weā€™ll know how bad it is by then

Too late

Iā€™ve settled down for the evening.

Got 8 cans of cider and Iā€™ve a dinner box on the way.


Randox Health up north say theyā€™re a week away, there was a report on it on C4 News on Thursday, but they would say that. It would be great if theyā€™re telling the truth.

Properly planned we could theoretically test the majority of the Nation in 2 days.

Proper isolation could save months of heartache thereafter.

Thought you were in the Sea Scouts?

Processing the tests is part of the problem, whatā€™s our capacity in that regard?

Granted testing availability is definitely a variable however worryingly our incremental rate is far higher than the 1.15 - 1.2 multipliers that were put forward in the exponential growth models.

Everything will be shut down until Easter.

I know talking about the economy is a bit crass at the moment but it will come more and more into focus.

By my back of the envelope calculations, the pub closure decision could have a negative fiscal impact equivalent of up to ā‚¬40m a week or up to ā‚¬2 billion in a yr. according to the news there are 50,000 bar workers now out of work.

At ā‚¬250 per week of benefit for 50k workers thatā€™s ā‚¬12.5m a week. Alcohol excise duty revenue is about ā‚¬1.2 b per year. Assuming 75% of that is from pubs etc then thatā€™s ā‚¬18m per week lost. So up to ā‚¬40m per week or the equivalent of ā‚¬2B hit per year. And thatā€™s only the beginning. Second order effects too and obviously other industries.

For context, the parties were arguing over about ā‚¬2B a year in total extra spending etc only a month or so ago.

Itā€™s hard to see this crisis ending quickly and when it does Ireland will have changed dramatically even if weā€™ve been successful

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I just looked there the test has been developed and they say it will be available at a cost of ā‚¬137 from their website.

Thatd be my guess. Thats 5 and a half weeks in total.

The ECB will have to step up. We wonā€™t be the only ones, everyone is going to be tapped out after this


Socialism here we come.

Robin Hood economics will be the only answer surely. Take from the rich and distribute to the poor otherwise millions will die. Thereā€™s enough money sloshing around Europe for everyone. On a simple level how can public sector pensioners be on 40 or 50k a year while thereā€™s children going to be starving.

The ECB will have to just print more money. All central banks will. The world economy is about to decimated.

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Does that tweet still exist? Says it doesnā€™t when I click on it

I was quick off the mark.