The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

That looks very optimistic. Five and a half months maybe. And possibly much longer, not necessarily all in one go.

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We will have a better idea. But end of this month still well off the peak of it.

It looks like “Dr. Tim” is not wrong.

At best.

Misery loves company though. All of Europe likely similarly decimated. Better chance of a proper response

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When will we back up and running ? May bank holiday?

I’ve seen one projection that has the peak 10-12 weeks off. Health Service will be overwhelmed in 3-4 weeks in that scenario.

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Seems more realistic alright.

When its slowing down is going to be even more critical than now that we don’t sleep walk into a second wave

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Social protection simply won’t be able to cope with the deluge of those looking to sign on. A lot here scoffed yesterday at the Mc Williams plan but it could become reality. The global
Economy is going to come to a shuddering stop at the rate things are happening.

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We’ll know more by then and that’s all we can say. It’s like the old quote about what was the historical significance of the French Revolution. “It’s too early to say”. This could come in waves or mutate. Containment does not kill the threat of the virus, it just suppresses it for a bit. My bet is we’re looking at an 18 month period of major disruption.

What we want at the end of all this is for people to say the response was an overreaction. If they do, it’ll have been a success.

The whole world is going to be affected. After 2008 people used a simplistic narrative of “press the reset button”. You can’t really do that. But this genuinely could be a whole remaking of the world economic system, certainly on a World War II scale.

There could be a chance here to dispose of the short termist thinking that has bedevilled the world for decades and start to actually confront the great global challenges.

We scoffed at McWilliams plan because because he suggested the Irish Central Bank should print the money.
They literally can’t. Even he knows that, anyone with even a basic understanding of how the currency union works would know that.
The ECB could possibly do something like that, but it would need to be Eurozone wide, the logistics of doing it mean it would be very difficult in reality I feel. They could just give every country some free money though. The market would hate it, but fuck the market

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Just something I read today that might help people with isolation and stave off cabin fever. Have alarms on your phone for every hour or two hours and change activities to get a rhythm and structure to your day.

2 hours of tv, change two hours of play, change, 1 hour food prep and cleanup etc. (Just examples)

Apparently monks who isolate all their lives, live this way and it helps them structure their days


The delay tactics been taken by the government are prudent and completely necessary.

I dont think they’re going to be able to stop the virus though. I can only see that happening though a vaccine or through this herd immunity…ie the majority of the population getting it.

I’m no expert, but if its like the flu, surely its going to keep coming back in waves.

Italia, douze morts

Other novel viruses haven’t. We can only hope it doesn’t

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Haven’t had a second wave?

You will have thousands of bar staff looking to sign on tomorrow morning. Along a pile of other hospitality industry staff. The offices wont be able to cope.