The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Sky need to pick up the Russian and Turkish leagues ASAP

He was on Channel 4 a couple of nights ago. Iā€™ll try and find it.

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Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City University London says the UK could experience food shortages. C4 News this evening.

ā€œThereā€™s a mismatch thatā€™s going to happen between supply and demandā€.

ā€œBritain only produces around half of its food, we are heavily dependent on food that comes acrosss the channel, but the government has been posturing about that.ā€

Iā€™d be hopeful that this is the case too. Now Iā€™ve never actually discovered Ebola or anything of that ilk, but history shows that humanity can achieve incredible things when push comes to shove.


Lads whatever about the economic recovery, Iā€™m sorry to say the human recovery is going to be harder.

The grief is going to be almost crippling, if things get bad here then people will die without funeral or wake.

The front line services are going to need to make decisions on who lives and who dies

There is going to be an awful lot of misery if the worst happens

Aside from @Batigol, us anyone here working in a front line role? And are you getting increasingly nervous about having ongoing contact with people while the rest of the country is gradually shutting down?

My sister works in a day care unit for people with severe disabilities. The service users in many cases are incapable of observing the coughing/sneezing etiquette and lots of them have compromised immune systems.

AFAIK, such places havenā€™t been included in the shut down list - well her place hasnā€™t - and it would place a huge burden on affected families to close down as the unit offers support / structure / activities for users (as well as respite to families).

But sheā€™s developed a Bressie-like state of anxiety about the whole thing despite being very fond of the folk she minds.

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Johns Hopkins are talking about a treatment for COVID-19 using antibodies from survivors.

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I must say Tinder and Bumble are hopping the last few days.


Thereā€™s only 3 and a half k dead in China? Why is the death rate so low? Iā€™m hearing of between 25k and 40 in Ireland.

Thatā€™s because the Chinese werenā€™t selfish cunts and didnā€™t go to cheltenham


This fella knew

Austria banning gatherings of more than 5 people :hushed:

So basically itā€™s just hysteria? The Chinese if Iā€™m not mistaken celebrated their new year which would be a far larger event than Cheltenham.

On the other hand, the study authors concluded that ā€œthe overall clinical course appears more favorable than what was observed in China, for patients in the U.S.ā€ Notably, 42% did not require hospitalization. But the analysts cautioned that it is ā€œunclear whether this represents a different level of medical care or an evolving viral profile.ā€

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He was on Sky News sorry

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Stay positive boys. We didnā€™t survive 10000 years to be rattled by some batsoup virus


Chinese are notorious for judging numbers cant trust them as far as you throw them

But if the numbers we are being told materialized in China there would be 20 million dead wouldnā€™t there? Thereā€™s nothing even remotely close to that dead. Things are already getting back to normal in wuhan and hospitals are being closed.

If China are telling the truthā€¦

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Well there is something very fishy about the numbers.