The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Chaps, Iā€™m only dipping in and out of this thread so am missing a lot of the discourse.

My father was born in 1944, just as World War 2 was coming to an end. I remarked to him that this was probably the one event that was going to have the most profound impact globally since that war. He said he couldnā€™t argue against that.

I, like the rest of the country, thought (and probably still think) that Simon Harris is a little weasel, although nobody can handle the health portfolio in Irish politics (it ruined Mary Harneyā€™s career, and despite what you all might think of her, anyone in political circles will recognise that she was a decent and honest politician if a bit of a battle axe, whose biggest downfall was thinking she could fix the health service). Anyway, Iā€™ve been impressed with Harris in terms of his interviews etc in past few weeks. Now, it might just be that heā€™s doing well with a microphone in front of him, or perhaps itā€™s a case that when the pressure of government is actually off, that maybe heā€™s doing some use. Itā€™s probably the former, but I remarked on this to my mother. She used to work for a cardiologist who thought that Harris was a useless little shit but even this guy has been impressed by him.

Anyway, apologies for rambling lads. Just two little tidbits of information from conversations with my parents. Stay safe all. Iā€™m WFH from tomorrow and have the utmost respect for our forumites still on the frontline


The more short term torment, the less of it we will endure long term

None of this has happened

if things get bad here then people will die without funeral or wake.

The front line services are going to need to make decisions on who lives and who dies

Absolutely nobody signed up for this. Harris and co have done well under extreme conditions.

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Fully agree with that.

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It hasnā€™t happened here yet.

Mate, itā€™s time you faced up to the reality of whatā€™s coming at us. Seriously

Theyā€™ll blame someone else


Itā€™s time you relaxed a little because you have yourself wound up in a knot. I am fully aware of the dangers and possibilities. You are treating them as certainties.

Iā€™ll do as much as I personally can. Itā€™s up to everyone else to do the same.


Some lads thrive in circumstances like this. All of the bullshit is put to the back of the mind and you get to focus on one single issue.

The last thing we need now is to start throwing blame and look for apologies. We need to try and get this thing under control before we even think about that

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I made a comment that the human recovery is going to be difficult and it is.

I donā€™t know how thatā€™s fatalistic or wound up?

Its realistic.

You wont get an apology best we hope for is they control and regulate their markets

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Fair enough mate, youā€™re handing this wonderfully so. Best of luck to you and yours.

Since the baby was born, almost a year ago (birthday next weekend cancelled), Iā€™ve often gone two or three weeks not going to the pub or whatever without even really thinking about it. But now that someone has told me I canā€™t go, Iā€™m actually foaming at the mouth thinking about a pint of draft :joy:


Today FM is class tonight.

Call me Blue

Paddyā€™s day special

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Iā€™m obviously wound up mate. We are in the beginning of a global crisis. Iā€™d love to be chill and cool and all that but I canā€™t be.

Wishing you and yours well also

The Gazette has a cut out and keep ā‚¬1 off offer if you spend ā‚¬15 or more at Charlieā€™s 3 in Westmoreland Street.

Or that when the politics is taken out of Health and the focus is on getting shit done it is entirely possible

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they should have followed the Green parties plan last week