The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Simon Harris is a career politician and an absolute weasel. Have no doubts about that. Heā€™s only doing what any competent Health Minister and Government would do in the exact same circumstance.

Remember he was happy to let thousands of Italians roam around Dublin the other week - last Italian death count was over 1,800. And kept his gob shut about Cheltenham and has only belatedly now shut pubs.

Just because heā€™s a good public speaker donā€™t mistake that cunt for doing a good job.

Same lads lauding him now probably said Charlie was doing a great job after his ā€œwe are living way beyond our meansā€ speech.


Some lads are still fierce bitter at him fronting the campaign that gave women in this state control over their own bodies.


Worrying wonā€™t get you anywhere mate. Do what you can, follow the guidelines and be careful. After that we can do no more.


A manā€™s character is revealed in these times.

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Something something something Trump something something something right wing something something something Bernie Sanders.

I implore you @Rocko - ban him again. He hasnā€™t heeded your earlier advice.

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exactly. You can only do your bit and not worry about every little thing.

Life will go on and will work out.

Admitting to being worried about the current crisis isnt weakness. Judging someone for it is incredibly weak though

Shit just got real.

Iā€™ve just got the word. Iā€™m (along with some others) being flown to Skellig to be held in reserve to repopulate Ireland.

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Lolz, this guy is a self-proclaimed ā€œfree speech warriorā€. :smile:

The far right are some eejits and this guy is a poster child.

Not a brain in your head.

You can worry and get on at the same time. I wouldnt even say Iā€™m overly worried as such, Iā€™m aware of all the possible outcomes at least those that are in my capability to understand and frankly I donā€™t know how anyone cant be a little worried.

Hiding it will be more damaging I think


Run off to twitter again, you coward.

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Youā€™re the biggest coward on this board.

You offer nothing, no wit, no intelligence, no insight, nothing except the misery and hatred that permeates your tiny little brain.

Get lost.

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Please, please children. Take it somewhere else


Itā€™s ok to be worried. Posting self gratifying photos from rural Kerry as if lads who donā€™t do that are putting their families at risk is shit housery. Own your own fear. Donā€™t spread it.

Some people cannot retreat from this and nor should they. Can doctors and nurses all move to Kerry.

If everybody runs away there is nothing to come back to.


:joy: :joy:

The enormity of what is going on, as well as the uncertainty as to when things will go back to normal, if even that happens, can be overwhelming.

Accessing the present moment is the only way to deal with that feeling.


Hard to see the Krauts approving it.

That wasnt my intention at all. And I wholeheartedly apologise if thatā€™s what you read into it.

I think spreading awareness is very important.

Even now some people are turtle heading this