The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You stalked a girl to Australia.

You are not well.

Depends how they end up I suppose

Fair enough. We’re all a bit scared of this being honest but we have to believe we will get through it.

Stay off the drugs, pal. On second thoughts, don’t actually.

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I just got forwarded a horrible rumour on Whatsapp. It was screenshot of a message from a lady named Maeve claiming that she had just left an unnamed conference. She says that a full lockdown will be announced at 11 tomorrow to come into effect from Tuesday (ie. St. Patrick’s Day). Shops will only open for a certain amount of time each day and the army will be outside every shop to make sure not more than 100 people get in. Maeve is stated to be in the pharmacy business.

I told my mate to stop spreading these rumours. Absolute poison. My mate got it from his bowls club whatsapp, I’d say thousands of people have seen it by now.

The cunts who start these things should be in jail I think.

So there’s no lock down.

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Fucking hope not. They’re hardly going to announce it the day before St Patrick’s Day, they didn’t even have the balls to shut the pubs themselves.

They don’t even have the power to shut the pubs.

I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire

William Hanage

He was knocking it out of the park there before the news.


Was unreal.

Thing is, if we had an actual complete lockdown - it would be pointless at this stage. My view is we’re still mirroring Italy - 14 days behind them. By Wednesday their current lockdown will either be deemed a success or a failure.

Well, China were able to do it.

I’d like to believe them, but frankly I dont.

And, even if you were to believe them, they have new cases today.

Will they need a lot of dweebs in the new world order?

Forza Italo

Bruce Aylward of the WHO believes them.

We can probably lockdown on the same scale but we can’t mobilise on the scale they did. We can’t build two hospitals in a week and we can’t send in 25-30k doctors from elsewhere.

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