The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We had reason to check a short while ago. The contrast between notices advising family only and the traditional comeallye efforts is stark. Hard on the families so the funeral homes will have to take a lead.

Irish Times building on lockdown

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Be some run on shops again tomorrow & close contact throughout. This causes so much more infections.

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Supermarkets will have to do something during the week. They’ll have to let their clientele in in batches of 50 or something like that.

Pharmacies in Limerick today were limiting to four customers at a time

That’s the way I see it going
I thought it would calm down a bit next week but with the pubs closing there’ll be another run on it for the week at least

Everyone of the poor fuckers stood there breathing on each other & inhaling recycled air through the a/c.

Take my chances on the beach.

Aldi had a sign up yesterday saying customers were limited to 4 units of all stock.

Same in the local one here

Some suggestion that currently 100 is the magic number.

Subject to change of course and that you maybe ahead of the curve.

They must be under stock pressure in their distribution centre

It might be a hundred. I’m just trying to make an educated guess.

Aldi have a good set up with mitchelstown, naas and some off-site holding in borrisoleigh and others. Fresh supply is coming from outside the country at this stage though and German supply might slow down

Would have to think so. Pressure on their supply chain in all markets.

An inevitable downward spiral, that Austrians currently have it at 5 !

Flying from Helsinki to Bangkok now. An abundance of empty seats. Hoping I get back to Cambodia before Irish are not permitted to enter. Nearly all cases in Cambodia are of foreigners who brought COVID 19 in after catching it elsewhere. Cambodia does not have a health system really but high temperatures seem to be limiting exposure. Stay safe one and all.


Suppliers of fresh and perishable must be under savage pressure though. While the capacity is probably there, production is probably feeling the effects. Some stores were reporting anything up to 60% increases week on week.

There will be a redirection from food service to retail. A mate has a butchers shop in town here but his main business is wholesale supply to hotels, pubs and restaurants. The business has crashed in the space of 24 hours.

Should I throw down a few drills of spuds Mike?

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