The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You’ll make a fortune kid

Just catching up on the thread. There was some discussion of the nature of the virus and how it is likely to evolve. Corona viruses are a specific family of viruses and there are now 7 that cause disease in humans, 4 cause the common cold, SARS-1, MERS and now SARS-2.

There are two ways it could evolve, either like the common cold varieties or the seasonal flu. The four common cold corona viruses are always in circulation and most people have developed immunity to them. But for whatever reason the immunity isn’t strong and you can get infected again with the same virus years later.

A seasonal variety would have to mutate to become a recurring danger after people develop immunity to this one or we have a vaccine. The SARS-2 virus is thought to be like the SARS-1 virus in that it may not mutate much. That would be the best case scenario as then it would just die out.


Christ , that’s a very disagreeable 10 hour flight. I wish you luck Sir.

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Limited to two here

Law and order is crumbling.

Emergency responders including the garda Public Order Unit are currently dealing with a massive outbreak of anti-social behaviour in West Dublin tonight.

Both gardai and the Dublin Fire Brigade were dispatched to the Orchard Lawns area of Cherry Orchard, where two vans have been set on fire.

The incident broke out around 8pm amid reports of up to 30 youth running amok in the area.

“No injuries have been reported and no arrests have been made currently” a garda spokesman said in a statement.

"The Public Order Unit has been deployed to the area as a precaution.

“The blaze has been dealt with by DFB. A scene is currently preserved for a technical examination”, the statement read.

That’s a regular Sunday night out there. Stop overreacting.


Hi Boris

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You don’t have to go to Dublin

Deuteronomy 31.6:
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

cc @anon26343222


Anyone caught up to no good during this time should be given the mother and father of beatings by first responders


Fair play to @Mac for trying to keep everyone’s spirits up

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Jim Corr, Donald Trump and @dodgy_keeper love this guy.

You stalked a girl to Australia and posted extremely disturbing content about what you’d like to do to her.

You are a freak who has no social outlet bar on here.

1434 posts since I last tuned in here 2 days ago. I deliberately do not read this thread because it will freak me out with worry. Just behave responsibly and keep good hand hygiene. Everything will be ok.

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It’s great craic to wear at the local parkrun. A cunt to run in pushing the buggy though

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When did this happen, mate?

You’re wanking yourself off thinking about this little stalking fantasy you have, aren’t you?

You’re a very dangerous individual indeed. The cops would be far better off tailing you than the lads up in Cherry Orchard.

Out of interest, why do you think this Coronavirus is a hoax?

Would you ever try not to indulge your obsession, if just for the week that’s in it


Wtf fuck?

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Typical of you, can’t deny facts so just make up lies about people.

I pity you.

I didn’t make up anything at all about you. Why did you make up the stalking thing?

We all know what your views about women are. You hate them with every fibre of your being.

Why do you fantasise about stalking so much? And why do you think the virus is a hoax?

The problem is that you aren’t a hoax, you’re real - even though it’s hard to believe that somebody quite so backward as yourself exists.