The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Good reply

A mate of mine was in London last week. Said no one gives a fuck about it there.

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I’m sure someone does.

Starting to get real now in the UK since Friday I’d say.

Was in London last week. Trains were deserted, you could have the pick of all the seats in normally rammed restaurants.

The government may not give a fuck, but the people do.

Dont mind that fella, he’s drunk on vodka already.


There are an awful lot of lads over there throwing out the arrogant stuff… Like the flu kills x per annum, this thing has only killed y.

Brits also said we had a potato famine while shipping out the good food we had

1 person on a trolley in UHL

Are there any confirmed cases on the Isle of Man? Be a good idea to head off there for a few months.

Similar rhetoric here 10 days ago. There is also a fair percentage of people who will repeat whatever gibberish the paper/ government tells them


Stop hiding behind the couch you cunt.

These lads were ahead of their time:

Inbred shower of bastards. You’d be as well off in Roscommon

I had a lad around two days ago to take measurements of my living room and deliver samples of different floors for me to think about. I’m getting a wooden floor in.

He said the virus was a hoax. Wuhan was the first city in the world to get 5G. The bodies of the dead were being incinerated to hide the evidence, instead of performing autopsies. The same people who invented the virus would invent the vaccine when the time was right.

This guy is a successful business owner and employs people. He’s also a good Sinn Fein man. The point is, there’s no way the government can overcome human stupidity. Human stupidity will always find a way unless we had Chinese-style dictatorship with 100% control over our lives and maybe it would be better to just let the virus win anyway.


Some people are terrified of 5G, it’s absolutely bizarre.

Do you have 5G?

Taking back control.