The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

But you must agree with him surely if thatā€™s your attitude?

No I donā€™t. I personally am not worried about catching this virus. The point is a head of government is supposed to be prepared for a pandemic which could have serious consequences both for public health and for both the US economy and the world economy.

He sacked his entire team for dealing with pandemics two years ago.

Funny you used to mention Venezuela. One of the criticisms rightly aimed at Venezuela was the purging of experts and their replacement with flunkies and yes men loyal to the regime.

Thatā€™s exactly what has been going on in the US for the last three years under Trump - the replacement of expertise with morons and its how all authoritarian regimes make a complete disaster of running their countries, and ultimately how they topple.

And you supported it.

Thereā€™ll be some great bargains to be got on summer holidays in a few weeks. Just make sure you get travel insurance as well

I agreeā€¦I do worry though for when the first case hits Bundoranā€¦weā€™re up shit creek then

Suspected case in the mercy hospital Cork today,nieces partner works there and a spark and all told to stay clear of whatever ward the person is on

Take it to the Cork sicko thread mate


I see sitting in front of the Telly all day is now being called self isolating


Loads of words there but at the end of the day you agree with President Trumpā€™s approach

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Tim, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and stop replying to this maniac.

The US government were the only ones who took the threat of the spread of this virus seriously weeks ago, banning travel or quarantining those who had been in the effected areas. Korea took no such action and now have close to 1,000 cases, Europe took no action and now have an emerging crisis in Italy and soon Spain and beyond.


The two Trumpbots havenā€™t a clue whether theyā€™re coming or going.

Itā€™s hilarious.

Who or what are Europe?

People of Montpelier/ Broadford stock, Clonlara people generally.

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He must be referring to the Swedish band who had a hit with ā€œThe Final Countdownā€. Not sure why heā€™d expect a 1980s band to have responsibility for stopping the Corona virus, he must have heard somebody say it on Fox News.

No country in Europe took any action to prevent an outbreak of the virus.

Eh, thereā€™s two beds in University of Limerick Hospital earmarked for corona virus patients. So donā€™t tell me we arenā€™t prepared


Trump has just said that ā€œthe Corona virus is going to go awayā€. Just like that, like magic, sorry, majik. :grin:

And there was a shot of Irish people staying in that hotel in elevenerife who are already home having overlapped their stay with the Italian chap.


Corona v