The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I took about 24 hours off here and news/coronavirus reading/obsessing and it certainly was a pressure release lads


Any comment from Vogue Williams yet?

The late late show will be some cunt fest when this blows over.

It doesn’t prevent the 200-500 deaths though.

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Outside of anything else, you’d need a break from the sheer drudgery of it. I can’t remember anything like it where there was literally no distractions in a news/sports sense over such a protracted period of time. And we’re only just beginning.

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Best of luck @mikehunt

It doesn’t. But it is certainly a containment measure

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Its been a cuntfest for decades now

They’ll still have Lottie Ryan and her journey as the main attraction when it comes back.

54 new cases , I really dont know what to make of that. Is that a good or bad number ?

The UK are a joke and their pussyfooting on this leaves us directly vulnerable. Ireland needs to act on an all Ireland basis or I fear our efforts are cosmetic. Fuck politics fuck the economy fuck republicanism, fuck nationalism fuck loyalism the greatest case ever made for a united Ireland is being made for us and it has absolutely nothing to do with any of that shite


Good luck Mike

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I’ve taken to singing “Sweet Caroline” around the house. It’s a great tension reliever.

Nows are chance to strike. Let’s take back the 6 counties while they’re preoccupied

My last word on this for now, look at the shower of cunts about to form a government. If there’s a financial catastrophy - run on the banks etc, don’t expect them to bail you out. ECB won’t either. I’m just as concerned about that as the virus in terms of homelessness, suicide, medical shortages etc

We’re a bit preoccupied ourselves is the thing

This was a horribly sad day. I just went down to my neighbours on the ground floor to give them my number in case they get sick and need anything. The man of the house told me that he had been let go today after working for 30 years in one of the big concert venues in town. There’s just no work there anymore.


The mother-in-law is safer at home I’d say Mike once she gets the all-clear. Best of luck with it.

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Such heroism, I bet she thought she’d get a good reaction too.

If we’ve widened the scope of testing it’s not a bad auld number.

I’ve crunched some numbers here and I’d like to see 65 or below tomorrow to start flattening this curve.

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