The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Was it not just originally used because the schools/colleges are off for Easter for the following two weeks anyway?


If we go into lock down soon we’ll be back up and running within 4-6 weeks.

Correct and to help parents with the kids keeping them studying and what not

No, it’s a strategy to keep anxiety levels down. It’ll be extended in small increments

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De Gascun and the other experts are using the same techniques for getting people through this as those giving up smoking. One day at a time.

As somebody who hasn’t given up smoking yet, I’ll tell you now that it’s possible that restrictions could last for up to two years, and likely a year.

When I give up smoking next week I’ll go with June 2020 as a realistic date for the lifting of restrictions.


Claire Byrne whipping up anxiety to bate the band

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Yes. Its a date that was thrown out. Its a huge red herring.

What’s this fucking knob jockey getting asked for?

Bye Baz you fucking Spaz

And you love it.

The schools won’t be back til September


Mid may peak. About another month before we are comfortable that it was the peak. Back to normality in the weeks after that. We live in interesting times

The wife remarked that to me. Didn’t think much of a business that wouldn’t have even a months worth of payroll to tide them over. You’d swear it was the only restaurant in trouble.

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Mate when you throw out figures like two years and what not just remember there is lots of fellas on here under severe pressure with families and finances and the last thing we need is scaremongers like yourself. It’ll be max three months provided we go into a proper lock down.

Nobody knows mate.

You can’t sing when you’re sober.


So that’s what that bird from the Moncriff parenting slot looks like. Some pain in the hoop on the radio

My small one asked me why she couldn’t play with her friends today.

I said there is a flu going round and people need to stay with their families for a small while until it’s gone.

What if I play only genkly?