The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Tis easy from the cheap seats as they say, but I like to think Iā€™d have tried to keep them on, take away food or something.
Seems she just went straight to cost saving as soon as it was announced


We need to top up our tolerance cups.

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Thatā€™s shameless like-fishing


Youā€™re an awful cynical auld bollix

Can you tell us what heā€™s trying to say?

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Is anyone elses hands raw from the sanitizers and washing?

I had my finger on the like button but my hard heart stopped me

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Why canā€™t they work a few summer months if things ease by thenā€¦

Iā€™m trying to say itā€™s very hard with a small child to stay in and get them to understand the gravity of it without scaring the fuck of them.

It tied in with a segment on the claire Byrne show

Thatā€™s a possibility and may need to happen, but nearly all secondary schools are continuing to teach online and will get their courses completed on time.

They can start next year a little late.

You posted a brolly tweet that said 250k from the exact same fella only while ago.

Grand then itā€™ll all be over by the end of March.

Did you not fuck off to some remote part of West Kerry? Why would you keep them inside?

I came away back out of it.

Why would they?

Why? You spent a full 2 days preparing for it based on what I remember reading here. You were safer there than anywhere else

Theyā€™ve changed their approach. I still donā€™t see how they donā€™t end up in an Italy type situation and there could be several waves.

You need to relax a little

Visiting the folks in small town Galway tomorrow, no choice have a few last things to iron out for them, told them would be the last time for a long time, thinking of just chatting through the front window

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