The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The tv packed in

Did you really pack it in?

You need to fuck off with that shit.


Where are you now? Is it East Cork youā€™re in?

I am

What happened?

Youā€™re too tightly wound. It canā€™t be good.

We decided if there were extended lockdowns or travel restrictions then remoteness wouldnā€™t be ideal

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Iā€™m fine mate. Please stop projecting this on me.

Iā€™m not. Thereā€™s no projection.


You are being a cunt.



There it is again. Just relax. Youā€™re doing your best. Good on you. Just relax.

Thatā€™s it. We will be out of this within two months if we go into lock down. Itā€™s fellas like @Dziekanowski trying to scare everyone into thinking itā€™ll be much worse.

Iā€™m perfectly relaxed.

And Iā€™m perfectly relaxed when I say, stop being a cunt, please.

Thank you

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Your posting these past few days would suggest otherwise. Calling me all the names you like wonā€™t change that.

Thats good fucking news!!!

Say you get it and battle it off successfully, are you deemed save to get back out & about for example?