The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They donā€™t know yet. Suggestions are not. I think it will be advised to stay with recommendations.

Otherwise youā€™d have people actively trying to get it if they were low risk

The problem is that when you relax restrictions itā€™ll likely bounce back up.

A realistic hope is a range of mitigatory treatments that are still short of a vaccine plus an improvement in the medical infrastructure needed to treat serious cases of the virus might work reasonably effectively. I donā€™t know how long that would take to emerge but there are no doubt a lot of clever people working on alternative treatments to a vaccine, in addition to the people that are working on a vaccine.

It canā€™t survive in thin air. If we stop interaction itā€™ll die out. It isnā€™t bouncing back up in Wuhan.

At some point. Itā€™s not known exactly how long you are still shedding virus after recovering. Varies a bit person to person I would imagine.

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Iā€™m assuming around Whitegate based on your earlier posts. Take the kids for a long walk or cycle tomorrow from Whitegate to Lower Aghada and Rostellan. Walk down the pier opposite Rosieā€™s to look at the boats. If youā€™ve a few spare rashers at home take the fat off them, and wrap it around a stone with a bit of string. Fuck the string in and see if the kids catch anything in the sea. Usually loads of crabs around there.

Head for Cloyne after lunch. Drive the scenic way towards Saleen. Bring the kids to the statue of Ringy and tell them how he was a stone cold useless simpleton and how the relative of a lad on here @artfoley) showed him up for what he was.

And if youā€™re still stuck for something to do, I can give you the address of my elderly aunt and uncle who you could drop in and natter away to for hours. Just bring them a bit of food or something.

Youā€™re in one of the nicest most unspoilt parts of Ireland. Take it all in tomorrow and enjoy and donā€™t be worrying yourself.


That would need 100% testing of the entire population to verify. Unrealistic

Theyā€™re still getting cases and theyā€™re still highly restricted.

Iā€™ve lived here over a decade mate. Thanks for the advice though.

We walked the peoples path today. Twas jammed but everyone retained a respectful distance.

Everyone was smiling and in good form

If your relatives are stuck for deliveries, give me a shout and Iā€™ll give you my number to give them

It started from one person, it can start up again from one person. The goal of all these efforts is to try and prevent a huge outbreak and hospitals getting overwhelmed. Longer term it will only go away when enough people have had it to achieve herd immunity or we have a vaccine.

Religious fundies, you couldnā€™t be up to them. Fuck knows how many evangelical nutters are getting up to stuff like this in the US.

Gorgeous part of the country. My Dad is from that neck of the woods. The view from the hill up from Rosieā€™s out across the bay is hard to beat on a lovely calm day.

Youā€™re in a better place than most so enjoy it and donā€™t be worrying. And if you want to meet some Cork lads whoā€™ll wear the ear off you for an afternoon just PM me and Iā€™ll give you their details.

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Honestly mate, appreciate the concern Iā€™m absolutely fine. My posting style obviously lends people to think Iā€™m hysterical at times but Iā€™m generally a very calm person. The Kerry thing wasnt a big deal really. We went down and sure it didnt feel right after a bit. It was grand to get a change of scenery and it was a big adventure for the small one


I also think itā€™s important that people feel that they can post openly and honestly on here without fear of sniping etc for the coming few weeks.

Like it or not we are a community and we need to be mindful of each other


You need to let the virus run its course now . Personally I dont think youā€™ll beat it but sure give it a go . See ya on the other side after they nuke me .

Another Irish company says they have a rapid test almost ready to go. A Tipp man involved.

Honest to God if I thought that was possible Iā€™d have given you a straight answer to the question you asked me last week

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A rapid test means something else in Limk.

Guys, is it bad etiquette in these surreal times to go into a convenience store / supermarket with your child? A little potential super-spreader could inadvertently infect old Mrs Murphy out buying her few bits?

Iā€™ve read and acknowledge the HSE advice on hand hygiene, cough etiquette and social distancing, but is there anything on deli counter foods? Surely they should be avoided like the plague during this plague? Exposed food just sitting there with germs flying around the place. I urge all forum members to eschew your usual deli counter jambon until March 29 at least.