The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Pins and rakes are handled by everyone on the course, people would take a pin out by habit, fair tough trying to figure out where the hole is on big greens

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But earlier, Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UK Hospitality, which represents the industry, said: ā€œThe government has effectively shut the hospitality industry without any support, and this announcement will lead to thousands of businesses closing their doors for good, and hundreds of thousands of job losses.ā€

Britainā€™s hospitality industry contributes more than Ā£120bn a year to the economy and is worth more than the automotive, pharmaceuticals and aeronautics industries combined. More than 3.2 million people work in pubs, restaurants and other outlets, making it the third-largest sector for employment. A further 2.8 million work in the wider supply chain.

Michael Kill, chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association, which represents nightclubs, bars, live music venues and pubs, said jobs would be at risk across the country: ā€œThe industry feels like weā€™ve been hung out to dry. Weā€™re happy to take into account public safety, but we also have to consider the survival of businesses.

ā€œIt will have a devastating impact on an industry worth billions of pounds to the economy. Itā€™s taken years of growth and entrepreneurial spirit to get to this point, and now whatā€™s happening is the government has turned its back on us.ā€

Gareth Bentham, a joint pub landlord in Altrincham, said he and thousands of other landlords would not be able to claim for losses caused by the coronavirus outbreak on business interruption insurance.

ā€œBecause the prime minister is just advising the public not to go to pubs and restaurants, our insurance wonā€™t cover us. If he had said that we cannot open, then we would have been able to claim. But this has left us in limbo and struggling to cover our costs and overheads without any insurance cover. It is not good enough,ā€ said Bentham from the Old Roebuck pub.

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A fella alongside me on the range had a dose of the shanks, even his wedges.

Iā€™d prefer the virus than a dose of the shanks he said

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Iā€™d just like to say one thingā€¦
Go fuck yourself COVID-19, you yellow bat shit stinking mother fucker you :fu:

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Thatā€™s him telt

Heā€™ll have to rebrand after that


Yeah businesses are fucked. The people will be fine with no jobs and no money thats the main thing

Thereā€™s a poster on here talks a lot about small businesses as part of his looney right-wing agenda. Well guess what, the Tories and the Republicans in the US donā€™t give a single shit about them, and less for those who work for them.

Its been an eye opener here watching some people put out absent slogans, business before the people and all that. 50,000 people in the bar trade alone lost their jobs today in a single stroke. I guess these ā€˜peopleā€™ just donā€™t matter as much to some


The public health problem is number one but it has to go hand in hand with a comprehensive plan to let those who lose their jobs land on their feet. They cannot be divorced. It is very doable because weā€™ve actually shut down countries and and trillions has been pumped into the stock market to prop it up and if you can do that you can damn well sure put a plan in place for ordinary people.

Needs to start with a safeguard on domestic rents. Vast majority of staff laid off today and in the days to come dont have a legal leg to stand on and bad as it was before, when your living on 203 a week and your landlord is getting most of that, it is not a healthy situation for a society. It is quite the opposite, itā€™s toxic. There are too many scumbag landlords out there for this not to be a legal requirement.

Sort that and a reduction, if not outright freeze on electricity and the ā€˜peopleā€™ might stand a chance.

Tech and online giants also could be doing more, the very nature of this pandemic requires social quarantine from our elderly loved ones just when they need it the most. There is an onus on them to provide everything they can, commercial and subscription free, until we come out the other side of this. Their traffic will be through the roof now obviously but anyone seen to be profiteering are criminals in my eyes

This is going to be the greatest test of humanity since WWII, and for Ireland the greatest test since the emergency during WWII. Government has a lot to do, but society in general will make the big difference in their willingness to follow the recommendations of experts and their willingness to protect the vulnerable in their families and communities. This pandemic will only be stopped by a common effort, educating the population on best practices, following the well established guidelines to stop any other pandemic.

It wonā€™t be stopped by sanctimonious bullshitters on social media looking to lay blame at every door except their own, hate filled blowhards that canā€™t get enough of their own opinions, screaming gobshites who spend all their free time spewing bile while they could be doing something useful to help a neighbor in need.

Hopefully this generation will be up to the task, if they can pry themselves away from their phones for long enough.


Dear Lord

This is from only Nov 17. Maybe don;t watch with your fam,
Cons weā€™re all gonna die, Pros the Irish guy rocks

So hereā€™s a little example to emphasis my point:

Social media was on fire all day today about the dangers to patients with COVID-2 and taking ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories. Iā€™d say I heard this rumor today from about ten sources, all claiming it to be fact. Even though the original source was a group of wankers on Whatsapp.

Hereā€™s the official response from the HSEā€™s Dr Colm Henry to what they define as false information circulating on social media; ā€œThere is no evidence to stop any medication at this timeā€. There are thousands of people in Ireland who take anti-inflammatories for pain, and they have all been scared shitless needlessly by gobshites.

End of rant.

Iā€™d say people are washing their hands ten times a day, but phoneā€™s are being ignored. Anyone not washing their phones may as well be eating bat stew.

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I was being mindful of you. Iā€™ll leave you off so.

Laois has fallen

He came back the other day. Used a passport card instead of a passport even though he was coming from the US. In the spirit of the times I didnā€™t make a big deal about it

Unfortunately pal it is Id say