The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I’m at nothing. I’ll ignore you from now on perhaps.

You don’t have to ignore me, stop telling me I’m too wound up, or to relax, or to go for a walk or this thing has me in its grip. Not helpful.
Especially when you were asked to stop

Have a bit of that

This crisis will fairly quickly weed out the proper cunts in society


Lads, cop on the two of ye.

You have to prepare for the worst.

They’d want to, it’s coming

The misogyny crew are out in force today.

There is a chance the measures taken will minimize the impact. Social distancing has worked elsewhere. Theres hope

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Have you joined the pretend-anti-misogny crew?

He’s kind of right though, you have a history of overreacting on here. Calm down and cop the fuck on.

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I float around mate.
All ok?

Cabin fever setting in already


Who doesn’t?

Anyone else want to have a pop here? Get it off your chests

No one is having a pop. Calm down.

Of course there’s hope. But even a good result will slam the hospitals. They need to be prepared for it.

I’m sure they are, as best they can.

Shut it, you cunt.

I’m dubious about the idea of any minister continuing to exert influence after they have been democratically voted out of the Dáil.

In a series of tweets, she continued to insist on the use of the unlawful Public Services Card for recently laid off people making online welfare claims - in many cases, these are the very people who have never held a PSC as they’ve been working.

Granted, her and her ministerial colleagues are mainly reduced to being just spokepeople relaying information to the public as the Dept of Finance and the HSE are in charge of the country at the moment.

Whilst they are currently performing quite well, the country is on the one page presently. If this lasts a few months the cracks will appear. The time has come for a National Government as proposed by the Greens. It could potentially forever change us for the better.