The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Who is this cunt?

Thatā€™s fine, how do we get it up and running?

An Fear Ruas acceptance of the apology wasnā€™t a highlight or the avatar pic of himself with the President?

Iā€™ll snipe away to my heartā€™s content. It might be the last chance I get.

Small groups of politicians, sitting 2 metres apart, get together and get the fuck on with what they were elected to do.

Yerra youā€™re a good stock.

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I rang an old relative there who lives alone, to check if he needed anything (he has the land given to a nephew so calm down ye cunts)ā€¦

Anyway after some initial banter about the plight of the nation and the novelty of Claire Byrne reporting from a shedā€¦ The ould cunt proceeded to lecture me for about 10 minutes on how hard he worked all his life, weeding gardens, threshing, training fillies and ploughing with horsesā€¦ Quickly followed up by telling me that my generation knwos nothing about work and that we are soft. So I let him vent away and get it all outā€¦ Chrisht.

@anon67715551 @Fagan_ODowd


Fcuk. Theyā€™ve basically said over here that anyone with a cold, their whole family should isolate for two weeks. Someoneā€™s head would want to fall off before Iā€™d admit to that.
Meanwhile, Wales and Scotland have been proactive, whilst bojo has insisted work in England continue as usual, allowed everything to remain open, but advised people not to go, and advised anyone over 70 to self isolate, whilst insisting upon continuing to send out routine hospital appointments.
He is a clueless, spineless, venal, psychopathic uucoam.


Exceptional display of cuntism from Boris TBF.

Thatā€™s Corbyn self isolating so.

TBF to him itā€™s some going to talk for an hour and say nothing.

It is an ideological experiment. Keeping schools open while advising workplaces to shut at their own discretion.

I see the Dutch pm made comments on herd Immunity but I can readily see what policies they are following.

But not testing NHS workers is mental. If someone in our household gets a temperature thatā€™s a nurse out of the system for 2 weeks.

Agreed. They canā€™t even be malevolent competently.

Would anyone notice?


They have had a fucking nightmare, they wanted to get a sharp peak followed by a sharp decline and went balls deep on that policy. Now its evident that is going to be an absolute disaster and the NHS is going to be ripped apart they have been looking for an exit strategy, but there isnt one. Theyā€™re too late for distancing measures.

Its going to get really rough over there pal

The mixed messaging canā€™t be helpful either.

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Will the British manage to wrap up their Brexit negotiations by June 30 now?

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I had an elderly relative telling me that God was punishing us all for not going to Mass and having sex before marriage.


Any chance you could fuck off, so?