The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They’ll Be begging to come back in by then.

Be nice now. There’s no need for that.





I have enough going on being stuck in with a cat, dog, baby and wife without you cunts sniping away in here , my only refuge.

Classic Dom (probably)

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There definitely was a need for it. Especially when the poster in question is the very epitome of everything he was claiming to whinge about.

People like him are the problem in this situation. He should self-isolate for not just his benefit but for everybody he comes into contact with either in real life or on the internet because he’s going even more nuts than he already is - who would have thought that would be possible, but it is.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all the forumites.

I’m extremely thankful for your good humour over the past few difficult weeks. The past few days have been some of the saddest in our nation’s history and TFK has been a great outlet for me. Rocko is a great man.

However, I think that many people here, including myself, have been spending too much time on the forum lately. I think the amount of TFK time we are spending during the crisis is probably unhealthy. I understand that it feels like there is so much which demands comment; discussing anti-inflammatories with Labane, explaining why exactly the Brits are still making a balls of this, defending nice Paddy Cosgrave and so on, but none of these things are real emergencies. The weather is nice today and it would be great to go for a walk or a run, or drive to a nice spot and read a book.

Also, clean your phones, they must be disgusting.

Lá Fheile Padraig Shona Daoibh.


I’d suggest lads draw up a schedule for themselves each day

Physical activity
Work stuff
Family stuff
Avoid double screening

I’m guilty of it as much as the next but staring at here and on media/social media for the next apocalyptic update is not going to do lads mental health any good at all. There was a Twitter account called World War 2 in real time I used to follow years ago and it showed me that following momentous events with constant regular updates and no context does not really provide much useful information.


Any sign of any of our top entertainers doing a free auld skype/youtube gig tonight to entertain people? … might be something the bastards can look at over the next few months to get people through this.

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You need to get back from Spain ASAP.

One by U2 will be the national anthem by the time this is over.

All the media’s fault for questioning “Boris”.

At least says @anon7035031.

Scum journalists, questioning things!


:clap::clap: I pray that if my number is called somebody loves me enough to do that for me :cry:


For anyone with young kids, gonoodle on YouTube has interactive exercise, dancing etc for kids. Recommended to us by a play school teacher for when you cant get them out


Has Bressie been seen at all over the last 2 weeks?

I have to admit I got a slight boner watching this, which all of you have no doubt already seen (the video, not my boner) but hey, sure why not post it here.

Whatever floats your boat lad.

It wasn’t a boat, it was a plane.