The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I am unsure how to proceed here.

You’re supposed to call me Sid at this point.

They’re doing a car parade in passage west for kids (no getting out of the car) — everyone dresses up in green and a few bits of green out the windy of the car — great idea.


It’ll be thronged I’d say

It will be a procession.


One way traffic


Like a Leinster football championship match in which Dublin are playing.

Liam o maonlai is demanding that we all shout Oro se do bheatha bhaile out the door at 12pm.

cc @Bandage

At least he has a plan. It might just work.


Lads, the economy is going into meltdown regardless of social distancing as currently expected or total lockdown.

Imo, lock it the fuck down now for 3 weeks. Only reason to be on the road is to collect supplies and to get tested.
Let’s give our saviours in the Health system a fair crack at saving lives, let’s give them the best possible conditions to fight this in.

Let’s set a target of July to get on top of this and give the Population hope of a return to normality.

Still yesterday I see people mingling together, young teenagers walking around on top of each other & women out walking in groups of 3 & 4 on top of each other again making sure they get their gossip news.

Let’s put a stop to this aggressive cunt of a virus by stopping it at its weakness point. Let’s stop it spreading.


Just watching Rainbow Phil here. Will do it if Phil finishes up by 12.

That’s not possible. We actually need a steady stream of people getting sick otherwise we’ll never be able to come out of lockdown.
The lockdown is to stop it all happening at once.


2% of the forum will die.

This crisis is a fascinating character study

Colm Mac Con Ionaire gave a lovely fiddle the other night

If we’re carrying the virus we should still be staying at home.

I know now exactly what it felt like to be in London during the Blitz. It’s exactly the same, except that I get to go on the internet all day instead of cowering in a Tube station while bombs rained down above.

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Might be a once off but a big fall off worldwide in new cases yesterday

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