The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

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Are there any theories on whether this thing will blow itself out or weaken as it spreads?

Australia scientists leading the way again it seems

Apparently Germany has tested 135k people in the last two weeks, over 100k in the last week alone, ie. theyā€™ve pretty much followed the South Korea model.

Thatā€™s why their death rate is so low.

Vorsprung durch technik.

It does show how massive the real amount of cases in other countries must be though.

It doesnā€™t, the absence of data doesnā€™t necessarily mean the worst outcome.

It just means we donā€™t know

Well the UK has had 55 deaths, Germany has had 20.

Yet the UK is reporting just 1543 cases, while Germany is reporting a much larger 7636 cases.

Bear in mind that neither is yet at the stage where ICUs have been overrun.

Germany is testing on a massive scale while the UK is not.

Which country do you think has more cases in reality?

Itā€™s clear the real amount is nearly 10:1 confirmed cases ā€¦ every time they up testing more positives come in

I donā€™t know. And guessing is counter productive


Try not to put upper limits on guesses. Its higher thats granted but nobody knows and they wont know for a while.

Try ease off on numbers would be mu advice

Thatā€™s ex Dublin Hurler Michael Carton. A real nice fella. Hope he is ok.

Indeed he did

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Up the numbers, name the locations ā€” get bastards in doors.

Shoot confirmed cases.

I used to have great duels with his father Peadar. Peadar was like a magician on the hurling field. He could do anything with a Hurley.

Up the testing get at risk people in hospital as quick as possible, get those recovered out as quick as possible. Rinse repeat

Where is the shooting taking place?

Did he ask yato get a box of 10 sweet afton

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The USA, probably, unfortunately

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Below are the figure for number of cases in the following countries. Italy, Spain, France and the USA. I originally had included Germany and South Korea included but decided to leave them out as there were over 100% daily increases some days which skew the data.

Figures obtained from

From the above data we can get the Average and Median. I wont bore you with that so will head straight to the Average and Median Projection cases for Ireland.

Iā€™m projecting 310 confirmed cases in Ireland once the figures are announced this evening with a minimum of 51 new cases.


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