The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

My colleague has been self isolating along with his whole family with a fever. He messaged this morning to say heā€™d rung the NHS helpline last night as he was short of breath. They told him to ring back when he was worse. How much worse he asked. ā€œgasping for breathā€ was the answer.


Dr Ciara Kelly of Newstalk just announced she has coronavirus

The most unhygienic among us seem to be getting it first.

Sterling absolutely tanking shows what the world thinks of bojo-cummings


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That cant be true pal? Thatā€™s end of days type stuff.

Jeeeesus indeed.
I was WhatsApped yesterday by a GP I used live with back when we were all single. Sheā€™s in charge of a govt appointed external isolation site. They were sent protective clothing which ,she said, had stickers on in an odd place. When she removed it, it said ā€œuse by 2016ā€
The UK is the worst prepared country in the first, and quite probably second and third world

It is absolutely 100% true.

Youā€™d be better off back here in an old famine cottage ruin with a temporary roof slapped up on her.


The blueshirts were forced to wind up their spin unit because they were using public money to propogate FG spin.

Now theyā€™ve used the virus as a means to bring back the guy who headed up their spin unit to ā€œmanage the messageā€.


I had to make a trip to the post office here in the north on Monday, I couldnā€™t believe the amount of very old people in the queue. Women in their 80s standing around gossiping and describing the whole thing as a load of nonsense. Work colleagues who voted Brexit have a similar outlook.
Bad news as well for those thinking of heading somewhere remote to avoid all this, according to the BBC there are 15 confirmed cases on Shetland already making it the worst affected area in the UK.


Pal of mine had all the symptoms. Was not tested as he was not within the criteria for testing at the time. His doctor reckons he had it. He is on the mend now at home. Said his heart beat was a bit weird for a day or two.

A lot of Irish medics seem to be returning to help fight for the cause. A nurse I know in North of England said she may return and fears for England generally as they seem to not have taken this seriously at all and the prep work was not done.

Sympathies to @Smark after all his hard work prepping for this year.

Boris has now got a certain mindset out to large swathes of the population - very hard to turn it around now.

He was told. We welcomed him with open arms in Limerick but he preferred the bright lights of Diddlesbury.

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The trappings of wealth dont seem too appealing now I bet.

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Deliveroo seem to be doing more business than ever.

If sheā€™d kept her mouth shut while washing her hands instead of singing Jolene she might have avoided it.