The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Like Dundalk Fri night

74 cases.

Or was that uncle sam

Hon Laoix, @myboyblue

A tad lower than expected …

That’s not too bad. Based on projections we should have been hitting 100 new cases today

Bang on great call or do you have inside knowledge

Excuse my ignorance but how do they calculate them mike.
Is it the number of new cases per day multiplied by the amount of days left in the month

Would 74 be considered as good we could have hoped for? or in line with predictions

I think (and I could well be wrong), they compound the figures every day. There were 69 new cases yesterday and they were forecasting a 30% rise day on day, so in theory there should have been 92 cases today, 120 cases tomorrow and so on until it peaks

Most lads have been over shooting on their expectations of new cases every single day


Would be good yeah.

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The daily growth factor outside china has varied from 1.0 to 1.6 this month. getting it below 1.0 would be great, but need to see several days of that to be confident.

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Around 20 lower than predicted

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Cheers for the insight just keep hearing figure but no explanation of how they calculate them

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I finally gave in today to four days of begging to be let eat an Easter egg they got from next door neighbor. It’s tough going

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Our testing rate is unreal so the numbers appear to be very good. @Dziekanowski will be seething.

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Whats the total number tested now?