The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I’m not sure but I think for every ten tests we’ve done the yanks have done one. We’ve done six for every one the brits have done. I think that’s very good.

Are daily cases not a product of numbers tested/test results.

Two deaths so far is very positive. Do we have any Numbers of people who are critical or in ICU?

Government will want to avoid a “full lockdown” and can do so if case numbers with significant testing level off. If they don’t and there is any sense that people are not exercising proper social isolation then they’ll have to go “full lockdown”.

Is there ANY chance we have this under control??

Good thread here explaining it


The walls of 40m Sitka trees are protecting Leitrim

About 15 ahead of expected run rate if you were going to get to 15k

Just a guess man . There is no prediction of what the next few days is going to bring here .

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jez Brian Hayes popped up there in the news , some banking federation payments job he is in

The weasel head on him.


Apparently banks given up to 3 months mortgage relief to those affected by the pandemic.

15 ahead as in we are 15 to the good side of it? That would be roughly my reading as well

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The HSE were estimating 100+ today.

Did they say how many tests they did for those numbers?

Six in ICU. Seems a reasonably low number.

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Fucking Clare cunts are slipping their numbers in under limerick :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Leitrim, Laois and Monaghan without any as of yet.

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Yes. If you look at link I posted few up Gav Reilly explains it. The 15k is worked up by compounding by 1/3 daily…we are 15 cases lower than that reckoner

6 I think according to the who

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