The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

15 cases below today would mean 600 less in two weeks time compounded. Just shows the power of it

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Only 15% of total over 65 is probably the reason for that.

We’re beating Kilkenny at something at last


This explains well the impact of social distancing

Are they soft pedaling the stats on us I wonder

I wouldn’t be getting too revved up about that. I had huge trouble getting through to anyone in the GP’s office and when I rang to say the helpline recommended me to be tested I could only leave a message and got no call back.

Cities are bad news when it comes to the virus it would seem. Our sparsely populated country could come to the rescue


Bad and all as some of us think Varadkar was (I didn’t see it) imagine Arlene Foster giving a state of the nation address to bolster morale.


Kinvara City has ruined it for the rest of Galway

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Best of luck I hope it all works out for you

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How long is the wait to be tested at the minute? How you feeling?

Bungalow blitz > coronavirus. In your face @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Our complete lack of public transport will save us all. One person per car is the future


The other day they said 2% of those bring tested were positive so I think we are doing well here.

These cunts in Dublin 8.


Bressie is on the case.

Todays results are definitely positive but for all we know they could spiral any day now. If new cases remain under 100 for another week I think we can be reasonably happy

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I’ve been waiting for him to appear.

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must be loads of lads rocking up with the bog standard flu , sinuses, coughs etc to be tested?

Guys, we need to stay cynical to keep shit in check. This exercise in the street craic…

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