The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

That’s the problem

Varadkar is fiddling the numbers

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they are been referred by their GP ? GP’s leaning on referring just in case?

It won’t make any difference pal.

84 hospitalisation but hard to read much into that as they were hospitalising for isolation

That’s not a problem. They are the people who need to be getting tested.

I hope to find out in the morning 2 to three days days I think. The phonelines into the docs were blitzed. Same as before. Persistent pressure tightness in the lungs. Slight headaches now and then.

I love you guys.

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I’ve been very impressed with the measures some shops I’ve been in over the last few days have taken to ensure physical distancing and zealous hygiene.

Hopefully this keeps working.

The 74 cases are definitely positives yeah.

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we’re gonna smash it pal.

as numbers grow, self isolation rather than hospitalisation I take it

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Ireland can be a beacon of hope to the world. A Corona Lighthouse. We love getting pats on the back from foreigners so that should drive us on be to the worst small country in the world to be the corona virus.


Is he not a teacher by profession?

The Irish people are doing their best, they’re a great bunch

i haven’t a clue!

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They need to freeze rates. Rates a cunt at the best of times. They’re a fucking disaster now.

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Yeah at start they hospitalised regardless of severity of symptoms

The +74 cases is not a “good” number lads, it’s an increase of 25% which is not far off the 30% predicted and well within the range of 1.0 to 1.6 seen globally this month.

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