The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They’re the one shower yet who small business have heard nothing from. Nothing. Even the banks are trying

Both the Irish people and our very welcome immigrants, sorry, expats.

All buying into the spirit of giving each other the cold shoulder with a smile.

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No but its not near as bad as some were speculating

We’re winning. Lets drive this on now while we are on top.

Never been the same since seeing that scene as a chap. Still gives me the heebie jeebies.

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You aids carrying cunt

You need to wash your mouth out along with your hands after that comment

I just copied the link. I was afraid to watch it again

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so what is the plan now if you have a mildish dose ? head home to the bunker, lace it with chicken soup, vitiman c, paracemetol , whiskey??

Our high iodine levels from the diet of seaweed makes us immune. Only effects blowins.

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Thumb up hole.

No matter what we do those fucktards up north will ruin it unless the boarders are closed

You mean simpletons like @Julio_Geordio?

Pay no attention to him, he’s a busted flush.

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Is it not 7% or thereabouts?

Community transmission at 22% is bad. That means it came from not known case. That means 22% at least of total confirmed have it and are unaccounted for

No, the growth factor is the new cases divided by the prior day’s total cases so 74/292.

Sweet Jesus :clown_face:

Ciara Kelly in the webcam game now I see

Even with coronavirus shes still one of the most beautiful women in the world

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