The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

National Hero!

Seems grand

Was just discussing g this with the mrs. Imagine all the scrotes passing pulls of cigarettes and joints to each other.
It’s the uneducated fools who will bring the country to its knees

You sure on that??? I was under the impression it was the % increase on the previous days number of cases?

Ye never minded slipping yer pond life down to kilkee every summer.

Best place for her is the web of a black widow

I wonder is this virus’s potency weakening? Could we see it just fade away?

Countries is close proximity to Northern Italy have flared up but is that just down to higher population density’s.

74 is an excellent result, but tomorrow hopefully it doesn’t take off again.

Let’s refer it to TFK’s statistics guru @TreatyStones.

The cunts that went on ski trips that are to blame.

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Those hills at Cheltenham are not steep please dont blame the slopes

The 14 in Limerick are those pricks from the other side of the Shannon!

No evidence of it weakening, the number of cases outside of China has gone almost vertical for the past 6 days. There are now almost 134K cases outside China. Sadly, we are only in the beginning stages of this, but hopefully the efforts being taken will slow it down.

What are the cases in China like?


11 died in China today as a result and for those who love stats thats 550% above our current rate :pensive:

74 new cases is a great result for the day. We need to fistpump these small wins. It’s back to training now agin tonight and we need to drive it on the next day.


Brian Hayes does not have the type of head on him you’d be inclined to put much trust in

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It’s a 25% increase on the previous days total number of cases.

I’ve never seen the rate calculated like you are suggesting.

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Secondary protocol be in soon .

They appear to have almost stopped, very few people dying, and almost everyone has recovered.

So they have either done an amazing job since February, or they have essentially stopped recording cases.