The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

In China there were masses of dedicated isolation units for the “less serious” cases. That’s how they’ve got their numbers down.

That’s what we need too.

Nothing. She’s pretty irrelevant at the moment


Why are posters bringing her up every second day? It’s bizarre.

Ciara Kelly just over a week ago with a political attack on Mary Lou McDonald and deliberately misinterpreting McDonald’s call for the Dáil to sit but with limited numbers in order to comply with social distancing. 8 days later and the Dáil sits today with 50 TDs while Ciara Kelly recuperates from coronavirus. I hope we can move on from this kind of politicking exhibited by Ciara Kelly last week - the stakes are too high.

Meanwhile, good response by Eoin O’Broin on BBC last night in support of the measures introduced by the government last week.


You need to take executive action here @TheBird. For the good of the country. We’ll bate this thing using common sense.


You see what’s going wrong bro, pass on all this info to your Leader to sort it out.

I merely made an observation. Keep your knickers untwisted.

It’s like a burning in the lungs. I’m not quite at the the stage of shortness of breath. It’s a pain in the chest and back. Slightly scratchy throat, the odd headache. I’ve had no fever that I’ve noticed. Definite night sweats which is something I’ve never had before. Pretty mild really. Just worried about not spreading it really.

Sounds like you could well be fighting it off alright but at least your at home.

Tell herself to sleep on the couch, win win.

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lads, anyone who may not be working or has the capacity, might be worth just throwing your hat in the ring here. They will need a lot of support staff etc, admin, management, anything.

I’ve signed up, if they need systems support or IT help, or anything really.

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Few of my teacher / lecturer friends who are off have volunteered. Fair play.

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Heartless Bean Counter.

Where are our fever tests? Where were they at the airport, for instance? China tested people’s temperature left right and centre as they went about their daily business.

This has not even entered our imaginations here.

I was told last evening that 3 pubs still operating from the back doors in Tipp town. I guess there are plenty more, including Rathkeale. What powers do the Gardi have in this case?

We’ve had scratchy throats for 5 days in this house and the mrs has had on and off headaches… i’ve been telling her its from stress as shes up the walls and cleaning the bollix off everything… There’ s plenty of seasonal stuff going around also.

in the absence of testing kits and other medical measures (temperature checking etc) they’ve acted reasonably early (in comparison to others) to take alternative measures. They’ve implemented social distancing policies, hopefully early enough to give the medical services a chance.

When people weren’t listening or applying social distancing measures, they stepped in and closed the pubs and made people take it seriously.
By and large the people have bought into the policy, because the messaging has been consistent.
They are doing well, despite mistakes early on…

Anyone politicking now can fuck right off in my opinion