The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Michel Barnier tests positive


Asking where is our mobile fever testing is not ā€œpolitickingā€. This is a measure that has been proven to be effective elsewhere and itā€™s right to ask why we donā€™t have it.

Itā€™s no different to you asking why the schools had not been shut down eight days ago.

Asking questions and starting debates which are designed to lead to a more aggressive response is essential. Itā€™s how public opinion is changed, and how politicians are forced to act.

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I was in part responding to the tweet in the post you replied to which was holding varadkar responsible and was hyper critical for not implementing extreme measures that were taken elsewhere

Ask the questions, by all means, but to lay blame, now, is reckless, crass and politicking.

Ask the questions, start the conversation, but donā€™t judge, there are a million things going on right now, we donā€™t need to put the politicians on the back foot

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Heā€™s a socialist.

If being a sanctimonious cunt is a symptom, Pat is riddled.

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I havenā€™t done that though. I havenā€™t vilified Fine Gael over this. I have sympathy for them and unlike governments in some other countries I believe they are genunely well intentioned on this issue. They havenā€™t called it a hoax, they donā€™t reject science, they have been prepared to be reasonably pro-active on a lot of things. What I donā€™t believe in doing is deifying them and saying they should not be opening to questioning about measures they havenā€™t yet taken.

There is a huge difference between asking questions and imploring politicians to move more swiftly than they are doing for the sake of public health, and vilifying them for cynical purposes.

Donnelly of SF definitely engaged in the latter, but at the same time itā€™s fair to say that a speech, no matter how good or inspirational, is only a speech. What we have to be looking for is more action to protect public health.

I donā€™t know how feasible it is to implement mobile fever testing - itā€™s electronic scanning - like they have in say, Singapore. Iā€™d like to see it become aprt of the public debate though, and now. Can we do this, and if we canā€™t, why not?

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Heā€™s a Marxist.

I suspect they are looking at multiple actions. However, there is a big difference between suggesting an action and executing it in a systematic and effective way. At the moment they are trying to do a hundred new things at a big scale from a standing start.

I have never seen the state respond so rapidly across so many dimensions. I mean from Gov all the way through the various public bodies.

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Thereā€™s been a bit of that doing the rounds - yet there seemed very little pressure being put on Arlene from Unionists ā€¦ is it more a case of not being seeing to support the other stance outwardly while inwardly agreeing with it?

I didnā€™t say you have, i was responding in general.
I agree, have the discussions and explore the possibilities.

there isnā€™t much deification happening. if they are doing a good job, reinforce it, if not ask questions.

the speech needed to happen, probably sooner. The messaging has been very clear and consistent since they started implementing measures.

the trend of politicking and criticizing everything they are and arenā€™t doing is very much prescient and at best is unhelpful and at worst is damaging. If the politicians go on the back foot and become indecisive because of it, that is the last thing we need

Probably. Iā€™d say they feel the pressure behind closed doors

Weā€™re doing better so far than them all pal. Stop undermining the national effort

I didnt post those comments - I just thought youā€™d like to know what the enemy are tweeting.

Iā€™ve two green jerseys on.

I agree with you, itā€™s time to unite the Island.


In-laws arrive in from Spain today ā€” be interesting to see what they are met with at the airport.

Worrying thing here was that 60 out of the 74 from yesterday were community infections.