The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Can I ask, are you under the belief that we half have this under wraps?

Great listnen if anyone has a spare hour or two

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Sound Medical advice!

The FG social media team are putting in a great shift

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What Singapore and Hong Kong have to their ā€œadvantageā€ is that they went through a serious issue over 15 years ago with the SARS virus. they had over 30 deaths with that back then, the 5th highest in the world. Lessons were learned and they were prepared for further eventualities for either SARS or another strain like now. Similar to the increased reaction from China to this, albeit they didnt seem half as prepared as some of the other Asian countries were. Maybe the chance to mobilise on warning of the outbreak in China gave the others the headstart they needed to get their protocols in place.

this isnt a criticism of any particular government, however this is all new to our country in terms of the scale of it. However Iā€™d hope that this covid 19 outbreak will cause some sort of future preventative measures to be implemented and a plan that can be rapidly brought out rather than going day by day and being proactive rather than reactive. If this happens here again and we havent learned our lessons, then that will be the biggest failing of it.


Games gone

Will China get their house in order after this - this the 3rd such out break from there over the last 20 odd years.

This is a major wake up tho in the face of worsening climate alsoā€” weā€™ll see localized outbreaks of disorder in countries succumbing to disaster over the next 30 years. Even strategies down to food stockpiling will have to be thought out. But this has shown that when one part of the world is affected we are all affected - we are truly global now in every sense so itā€™s only right that we have a basic global response in place that we all know and can abide by.

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makes a change

the world will never agree to a combined effort, and not to drag this down that fucking rabbit hole, but with the UK and US thinking they can do what they want and will never agree to be part of a team effort. Rule Britannia and all that. Australia, from limited viewing of friends there and reading scutter on social media, is not taking all these measures well either. In comparison to here, lads going to the pub have been shamed out of it, over there many are not agreeing with all the measures being taken from what I see and hear, although lads there may have a different view on it. The fact the AFL went ahead too behind closed doors rather than postponing the start.

China is a basket case though. Cunts eating fucking bats, and with their population density and remoteness, things would spread like wildfire before they had a chance to contain.

Speaking of food stockpiling, local shop here is limiting purchases to 2 of anything in one shop. There was a 2 for ā‚¬3 special on alpro milk, so I had four of them in the trolley and the girl said she could only put through 2 of them. I had four bottles of beer in it too, special offer of 4 for a tenner. I told her should wouldnt be taking two of them out of that one. fuck the milk, as long as I got me beer.

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Down to a 2 day week from April until further notice. By jaysus! :frowning:

No harm for some of the rack off bogans to get a dose of it/reality.

Ah, youā€™ll never get every country to agree to a whole scale effortā€¦ But there should be very basic protocols put in place so that if something similar occurs again we have like a code yellow, orange , red - maybe delivered by WHOā€¦ and people and travel should react accordingly ā€¦ wider measures will always differ locally and in response to how drastic the situation is. Seeing travel bans being called willy nilly by different states at different times set off itā€™s own chain of panic as does not calling travel bans at all. Having hundreds of different responses to the one problem is nuts. At lease all should start with the same basic warning and protocols ā€¦ As you rightly point out, the US calling it a hoax and Boris hinting at herd immunity is and was seriously dangerous language to engage in. It spreads complacency and even hostility and leads to division. At least with a basic set of warnings the planet is loosely on the same page from the off.


As in do I believe that all restrictions should be dropped?


But letā€™s wait until March 30th and see how we are then.

What I will say is that the current situation is mighty tough (on other people more than me) and I think thatā€™s forgotten about a lot in relation to this. We canā€™t keep going on as is indefinitely.

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My contacts in the food distribution business tell me the stores arenā€™t too concerned about stock yet as they already have warehouses full of non-perishables they had stockpiled pre-Brexit.


Sorry to hear that pal. Best of luck

This table would remind you of a GAA funding by County tweet by Ewan McKenna


The measures wont be dropped until the end of May at the earliest iā€™d say, if even then.

that is 100% correct and those interested in the fortune of semi conductor compnay shares would do well to stay on the right side of TSMC/SMSC who build for AMD
that is all

Had to go to the Bons there to pick someone up. It was ghostly.

Whatā€™s your logic there bro?

I think to continue as is for another two months would cause devastation to the economy which is a mighty big part, or should be a mighty big part, in the governmentā€™s thinking,