The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The alternative is Italy

There should have been an EU-wide 6 week shut-down with everyone working to the same timescale, followed by a ban on foreigners entering the EU. As it is, it will be defeated in one country but will just sneak in again from the neighbours who are working to a different timescale. The arrogance and indifference to neighbouring countries is unbelievable.

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Can you flesh that out a bit?

Fuck the economy. This is a matter of life and death.

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The economy is fucked bro … what’s going to change between now and the 29th of March? — all we’re doing is slowing down the spread so we can cope and give care to those who need it … it’s gonna take a few months for that to happen and for recovered people to slowly start getting back on their feet… otherwise we’ll be like Italy and over whelmed and looking at a lot of death.

If there aren’t measures, strict and sustained measures to slow the spread, the outcome is obvious.

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End of April at a minimum. Most likely the end of May.

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And if you say ‘fuck the economy’ that can be a matter of life and death as well.


in the aftermath of this thing I believe world travel and globalization as a whole will need a serious re-think. Also China needs to shut those fucking wet markets and all trade and travel from there needs to stop until that happens.


It’s inevitable that at least half the country are going to get this. The government know this. so if 2m get this rapidly, they’re saying 15% of those infected need serious hospital treatment — what’s that, about 300k? imagine 300k needing treatment in the space of a few weeks … we wouldnt be able to cope and you’d be left having to decide who lives and who dies. The hope is to avoid that, buy ourselves time and have a rate of infected that we can some bit manage. We’re still looking at a couple of thousand deaths possibly - but promising news of drugs working might stave off a good bit of that.

This is why it might be months instead of weeks.

Obviously parts of the economy are going to need to be sustained but it will need to be done in the context of people isolating and being distant.

That is up to the finance people to solve, right now the medical people need every chance they can get.


I understand that. I think they have been better than a lot of other governments, possibly most in Europe. What I would like to see cut out of public discourse is the notion that questioning them and imploring for quicker and more stringent measures amounts to “conspiracy theorising”.

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Yeah that’s equally as harmful as the people politicking to be fair. It’s a very hard balancing act to get it right.

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No it can’t.

This virus is killing all around. The economy as it is is a two tier society where the poor are being left behind. Fuck the elite, it’s time to save lives. Government policy should be to save lives and protect the vulnerable - not preserve the elite’s wealth and interests.

Fuck the economy.

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Just to add, I know there was a bit of swirl around social media and whatsapp about whether Ibuprofen should be used or not, well my GP advised me to stick with paracetamol this morning. Take from that what ye like lads.

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Where’s Mary Lou??? Huh???

The irish peasants were let die for economic reasons by the brits during the great famine. Fuck the economy, we’ll sort that out after we’ve this thing beat.

Sadly the economy that will suffer will be small business owners, small publicans, creche owners, builders, barbers and hairdressers, beauticians, those sort of people. The banks will end up making profit over this because even with the mortgage freeze they’ll end up charging more interest overall.

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I was wondering that, not much being said about her at all. Fair play to her, keeping quiet and off social media, letting the govt get on with it. This isn’t the time for politicking.

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If the government did not let the banks ride roughshod over the people, this would not be the case.

Fuck the economy.