The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Were you really wondering that? Like really really?

May Lou has been on plenty of radio shows and is on social media. But she’s like the rest of us, trying to isolate as best she can.

I was. It’s admirable of her not to be saying much I thought. Why, what has she been saying?

I need to correct this.

It is 60 out of the 271 total that comes from community infection.


Dont worry your little brain about it.

I’m grand mate, but you seem very edgy and defensive. You mentioned her after all.

The reality is that most of the country is scared and is willing to put up with whatever it takes to save the lives of their loved ones. I know I am. I also recognise that that involves a massive degree of sacrifice on the part of everybody, and other people probably stand to lose a lot more than I do. Whatever measures need to be brought in need to be brought in as quickly as possible. Waiting is the enemy. Acting quickly may mean that such measures can be relaxed more quickly in the long run. That’s what we were saying last week.

The economic argument in this crisis has always been bogus. The “save the economy” argument will only hurt it more in the long run.


Gautret et al (Marseille) have just reported open label trial with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin- dramatic reduction in viral counts. Caveats / work in progress but they felt they should share the data because the first results were ‘so significant’. Look at the green line.


Fuck the economy.

I’d have to explain sarcasm to you, so you can understand the flow of the conversation, but i just couldnt be bothered. Maybe you’ll get there on your own.

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Shur go on so, give it a shot, explain it there seeing as you brought it up?

great stuff, think david mcwilliams mentioned this in his poscast


Good post that.

I haven’t seen my Mam and auntie for two months already and I don’t know when I’ll get to see them again. Being away from them is difficult to judge but they are going out of their heads with this - worry and general boredom.

The economy point is a fair one and I am only suggesting that the economy is remembered in all of this. There may be a personal element coming through but I am certainly fully behind the medics on this.


Great info. Well worth the time rather than listening to voice notes on what’s app

On the news they’re talking about giving 100% to students for oral / practical parts of Leaving Cert exams.

That’s not the right way to do it, because it means that a student doing lots if languages has an immediate advantage over a student doing no languages in the points race. A fairer way would be if the oral / practical exam counted for nothing and the written exam went towards 100% of the final marks.


Interesting that the new legislation wants to potentially designate ‘infected’ and ‘non-infected’ areas.

I doubt there’s a person in the country for whom there isn’t a personal element to this, even if they don’t realise it (though I’m not sure what sort of person wouldn’t realise it). That is what we need to drive home relentlessly. I think Varadkar did that quite well the other night to be fair. Of course it’s a lot easier to do that if people can be somehow assured that they won’t face financial ruin. That’s what Johnson has failed spectacularly at. If people know they face financial ruin, they are far less likely to want to play ball as regards restrictions.

I really do think this a reckoning for the political charlatanism, the rejection of education, the rejection of science that has been deliberately spread unchecked for decades by right-wing politics and media in other countries. I have loads of problems with FG and FF and their associated media in this country like INM and Communicorp etc. but they have never rejected science or education in general and this is a major advantage to us.

Skiing needs to be banned. No two ways about it


Some absolute dweeb on RTE Radio One there moaning about how unfair it is that all Leaving Cert students are going to be awarded 100% for the oral or practical part of their exams. Strong whiff of “we’ll I’d have performed very well in that and others wouldn’t so why should they benefit?.”

(He’s actually the 2019 Young Scientist of the Year so my initial suspicion he was/is a dweeb was bang on the money)


Are you ok? You seem very on edge. Your nerves are shot i’d say.

Zero hour contractors… Waitresses… Cleaners… People who have fcuk all to begin with…

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