The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The youngest is doing (due to) the Leaving and we are doing our best to keep her calm about the whole thing. We keep stressing that whatever they come up with will have to be fair to everyone and just to keep studying/logging in to classes/assignments for the moment.

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I’m zen, just back from working at the ball wall with the young fella. This is the life.

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Students will not be allowed to make the jump to Honours now. If you are down to sit the Ordinary level exam you must stick with the Ordinary level exam. You cant take your 40% and chance your arm in the Honours exam.

You can move down a level alright though.

But some people continually refuse to understand what the EU is. The EU is not a sovereign country or anything remotely close to it and can’t shut down the borders of sovereign countries. It can’t decide on measures to be taken in each country. Only the countries themselves can do that.

The narrative of “blame the EU” that one particular poster here has gone with is insane far right populist drivel.

What the EU’s lack of ability to intervene in this situation actually shows is how fragmented it still is and how far away from the imagined federal superstate of right-wing populist imagination it is.

Ironically these same people who want to mendaciously blame the EU during this crisis are unintentionally arguing for much greater EU federalisation, not less - but they don’t have the wit to even realise that.

Best of luck to her, pal.

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It is an amazing insight from a professional

The far right’s rejection of scientific achievement is never far from the surface.

All teams in EPL should be awarded maximum points for remaining games.

Too many lads on here are in fear of fear.

Just off a two hour call there - our plan is to preserve all jobs in our business as long as possible. All owners taking 50 per cent pay cuts immediately to allow that.

Not all heroes wear capes.


If she is doing Business or Economics, PM me. I have a tonne of resources.


We’ll head back home @farmerinthecity.Its safe there.

good on you mate


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Could bring the cunting virus with us though mate.

Cunt on Joe Duffy now is raging everybody getting top grade in Irish. :joy::joy::man_shrugging:t2:

Bigger picture pal.


Just heard from a friend in northern italy. Between 10 and 20 per day in a town of 68,000. Dead, not cases…
Yesterday I’d an email from a prospective supplier in China. Offered to supply free face masks if I placed an order.

All owners taking 50% paycut… That’s a cracker. :joy::joy:

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The mother was told to isolate this morning … she lives alone so that will be fairly easy. She Had symptoms yesterday, temp and throat, but seems fine today. There’s another throat / chest virus doing the rounds also that a lot of people are getting, complicating matters further.

The ‘Fuck the economy’ cabal celary don’t give one flying fuck about these people


Putting that deranged loon Sid on ignore has been a game changer on this thread and on TFK generally. :raised_hands: