The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Cheers for the offer mate only doing Accounting so well covered off by myself and the missus

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Theyā€™re the ones who are going to be down on the floor after all thisā€¦ They are proper fcukedā€¦

The economy had them fucked anyway.


As a point of interest the seasonal flu that went around Ireland this winter was particularly virulent. I spent 4 days in bed over the Christmas holidays absolutely floored from it. The symptoms of the respiratory component seem to be on parallel with that of the people who have described their experience of a "milderā€™ dose of COVID-19, ie burning in the lung & slight difficulty breathing . Fever with profuse sweating for probobly 48hrs straight. Severe pains & aches all over, total loss of appetite. Anyone else get the seasonal flu this year?

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Iā€™ve heard from a few that did and they were wiped out. I got the jab myself through work so I avoided it.

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Very vulnerable and precarious position now bith financially and legally. The Govt has pussy footed around offering cast iron safeguards. If this goes on for more than 3 months I fear we will see social consequences that will create far more fear then the actual virus

Fair enough Boris, let them die their old and gonna die anyway

I get the flu jab every year but a girl I know got the jab early in the year and caught a different strain around christmas. It really knocked her for six.

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The world burning and lads losing their shit over the Leaving Cert and giving everybody top marks being unfair. ā€œA kick in the faceā€ this lad says on Joe Duffy. Oisin. And his friend Hannah.

Oisin needs to take his head out of the books.

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Iā€™m trying my damned hardest not to make this political here ā€¦

Speaking up for margainalized people is hardly political.

I know - but weā€™re not allowed speak out against the government currently. Thereā€™s a social ban on it.

Oisin the snowflake with the violin out here. ā€œIā€™ve worked so hard over the last two years. Itā€™s so unfair what has happened. The exam should be completed as it was meant to.ā€

Itā€™s a global pandemic which is mowing down thousands, your problems are only minor pal.


Huh. The economy has fucked the citizens from the beginning. Look at the homelessness and wealth inequality before this virus came to being. Itā€™s time to save lives and fuck the elite and the economy. Fuck the stock markets.

Lives matter.

It seems the thing thatā€™s occupying your mind most during this crisis is the likes of Oisin and other people who are smarter than you, like me (not hard to be fair).

Work out what that makes you.

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I would have hoped a member of a margainalized community himself would have had more compassion for those who will suffer the most now

Fellas with names like Oisin (especially younger lads) are all pricks


Carol on now laying down the law.

ā€œItā€™s all me, me, me for the younger generation. Considering everything thatā€™s going on this doesnā€™t matter.ā€

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I heard them. Good grief. Total :clown_face:s.

The mother was the worst I heard. Fucking hell. The world is ending and these pricks worried about some lad getting full marks and he not entitled to it. Gimps. Itā€™ll be fair enough in the end.

When theyā€™re all dead.